I am in need of a little help and advice ???

I am wanting to take my partner away in Feb as a birthday celebration.....I have a budget of around £2000 give or take a little including spends. And i am not sure any of my ideas i will be able to afford but here it is.....
Vegas 5/6 nts
Cuba 14nts A.i, either Varadero / Cayos
Goa for 14nts B&B ???
Thailand - Bangkok & Krabi around 14nts ish R.O ???
Maldives 14nts A.i (cpl of good cheap deals around)
Please can anyone give me any advice on these places and if they think any would be do-able on that budget or if i am kidding myself.
I am also open to any other ideas or suggestions. My fav ones out of my list are vegas, thailand and goa.
A bit about us we like to have some night life but nothing too clubby or aimed at teens/early 20's.
Sorry for such a long post that is a bit undecisive, so any help would be much appreciated as i want something memorable and special.
Thank you sooooo much in advance
Sweet xx