Oh Smudger, the picture you painted of the scene is hilarious. Thank you for starting my day off with such a laugh
Spaldy sorry but what is the relevance of the above link (posted by a UK resident) to this thread? There's already a reference to beach cleaning in the Shacks topic should this have gone in that topic to keep things together?
Relevance.... very I would say. 'What's Going On In Goa'
Posted by a UK resident? Yes, a just returned UK holiday-maker after a disappointing holiday, in Goa. Relevance?
I wonder how long it will take to get this up and running and the big question is where will they dump the rubbish?
"Whats going on in Goa?"....a letter from a man who has just returned!!!
Is it the post or the poster you have a problem with? Sorry but that really is how it looks to me.
I don't have a problem with anybody! I do feel sorry however for the holidaymakers on this forum.
looks like i'm of track?
spaldy wrote:Maybe billy b is off track.
Sorry i only noticed it was double posted by reading the 'whats going on thread as i dont normally read the shacks thread as it's the same old same old....
I also feel sorry for the holidaymakers going to Goa Glynis and i can assure you that i do not post any thread with the intention of putting anyone off going,but people do want to know "whats going on in Goa".
Holidaymakers do come on this forum to find out the truth.
Anyway looking on the bright side the shack problem should be sorted in the next few days and the unpredictable weather is sure to improve soon,nearing the end of November now we'll have glorious sunshine everyday soon.

I always like a day out there, will it be difficult to get around at this time, with some areas out of bounds. I believe Sir Ben Kingsley is a guest of honour, and also some Bollywood stars.
Can anyone give me more information, about public events.
Thanks xx lassi

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