We booked a holiday through Imperial Travel with accommodation provided by Hotels4U at the Timanfaya Apartments. We arrived on the afternnon of 31st Dec and were shocked and appalled that we were in a downmarket residential complex. When we went to our apartment it was disgusting and covered in dirt and dust with a damp musty smell and mould on the walls and ceilings. Weasked for anotehr room and was told there was no other. My daugter has asthma and there is absolutely no way on medical grounds we could stay there. We attempted to contact Hotels4U and Imperial Travel but all to no avail and we needed to get out of there and get somewhere clean for the night. It was 16.00 on 31/12/09
We asked the taxi driver for advise and they took us to the nearby Santa Rosa Apartments where we took a room and attempted to get in touch with someone. Everywhere was closed for new year at this point but we still persevered to try and reach Imperial Travel or Hotels4U and paid for the Santa Rosa with our credit card.
Imperial Travel left a message on our son's mobile to say that they maybe could move us on Monday. What part of mould on the ceilings and asthma do they not understand? We cannot stay in such a dirty damp mouldy place on mediacl grounds apart at all from the fact that we would not anyway. It was filthy and we have pictures.
Hotels4U have no rep. We contacted a local number and the lady said "sorry" but could not help us. She gave us a UK number and that had a message to ring another number. I eventually got a guy in the UK for Hotels4U and he said it was down to Imperial Travel to help us and now we are back to square one.
We are here in Lanzarote what can we do now we intend to sue for our money on our return but what must we do now here in resort?
I have tried everything to contact and get help from H4U and Imperial Travel and to inform them we are not in the awful place they sent us and we have paid to be in another place and they will have to refund us. These 2 companies are passing the buck from one to the other. Who is responsible for this can anybody help us now? It is wrong to send people abroad to sub standard accommodation and have no reps no cantact numbers that work its bad form. What if we had an emergency where would we get help?
can anyone help?
Remember to take as many pics as you can and also contact names and details for other folk who are there with you - witnesses, strength in numbers and all that.....
ALso, in case it's a case of doing all you can while you are IN resort, have you thought about emailing IMperial and H4U while you are still there? That would also help show you did all you could at the time
Hope you manage to get sorted

Yes all companies have been emailed and contacted by telephone. We never stayed in the grotty mouldy place we could not on medical grounds alone.
We moved and paid again thats all we couuld do.
I just want ot be sure there is nothing else we can do in resort before we go home next Thursday.

I see from Hotels4U website that they are part of the Thomas Cook Group. From previous posts, I know you know Lanzarote well, so could you perhaps go to one of the complexes that has a Thomas Cook rep, and complain to them? Or at least ask if anyone has a local number. Or, where did you get the key for the apartment from, where do you have to leave it, could you not speak to that person? Has the property manager not been to visit or left a telephone number? Could it be that the property manager had not been informed that you were arriving, and so the apartment hadn't been cleaned for your arrival?
I'm really thinking aloud here, and I'm sure you have explored every avenue, I do hope you can enjoy the rest of your holiday.
That will depend on whether it was a 'packaged' holiday or just separate elements.

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