I see today with the post office it's at 1.11 to the £. I haven't been looking recently so does anybody know if this is better or worse over the last two months or so?
I think I checked a few weeks ago and it was only 1.05 so I'm hoping the £ is picking up a bit!
15.01.2009 £1 = 1.10260 Euro
15.01.2010 £1 = 1.1230 Euro
Average (380 days): 1.12281
High: 1.19040
Low: 1.02130
So there is very little difference in the exchange rate I am afraid

Thanks Graham. Oh well, I was hoping the 1.05 I saw last week started pushing a daily rise and would continue. I'd feel rich on holiday if it ever went back to 1.45 to the £!
This rate is the best for a few months that I can remember,certianly better than last week

I'd feel rich on holiday if it ever went back to 1.45 to the £!
Me too Chivas. Sadly, I can't ever see it going anywhere near there again

hi all....I never cash in my left over euro's....ansd I'm sure I'm quids in after doing this for years now...every year the euro gets more expensive to buy and you get less back than you paid for them when you cash them in again....so I gain a bit every year....last year I had a lot left over from previous year and I got the rest I thought I needed for 1.145 aprox....I went AI for the first time and really didnt know how much to take...weren't sure how good the AI would be....turned out was very good and so I brought a lot of euros back which I held on to..........the euro is aprox 1.11 at the moment so my euros are worth more now....and as we decided to go back to same AI this year the euros I have will be enough and so I dont need buy any more......guess who's a happy bunny this year
Theoretically (and it won't happen so don't panic) if Greece was dumped from the Euro the rate would soon go backwards.
Well today the post office is offering 1.123 so a slight increase. So far today it's looking good! -->
Kate (no wiser!)
This is the rate today 1.00 GBP
that looks like a wholesale rate not what you'd get at an exchange office.
there are three basic rates that you need to be clear on;
Sell (Euro to you) which will be around 1.10-1.12 at the moment
Buy (Euro from you) which may be 1.18-1.19
and wholesale. The latter is used by banks for deals between themselves and by card companies. But if you use a card there will often be an overseas service charge and if it's a credit card for cash from a machine you may pay interest from day 1 so the good rate may not to be that good in the end. The Nationwide Flex account debit card does not have any add on charges in Eurozone so you would get the wholesale rate.

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