Hmm - I think there's perhaps a bit more to this than at first meets the eye?
I'm sure there is, and I'm all for stopping health tourism, but the Isle of Man Government currently spends in excess of £8m annually on hospital treatment through hospitals in the UK for island residents referred to the UK for treatment....and there are going to be quite a few people who are going to be affected by this decision, such as the IOM residents who are disabled and those with chronic illness, who are going to have a problem obtaining health cover to visit the UK"¦.. plus what about those residents in the IOM having served or are serving in the British forces.? Surely they are going to be exempt from charges.?
I'm not convinced it's solely about residency"¦The health agreements the UK have with a number of European countries who are outside the EU, they are under scrutiny, as the Government have stated that providing reciprocal health care agreements with crown dependencies is no longer "value for money" for the British taxpayer.
The IOM will have no choice but to charge because the UK Government have made it quite clear that it is no longer prepared to fund the provision of healthcare for its own residents who travel outside the UK.
As you say, Accident and Emergency and scheduled referrals for specialist treatment in the UK will not be charged to the patient, but the ending of the agreement means that most IOM residents will face charges for unscheduled hospital in-patient treatment in the UK from 1st April, and they are being advised to get travel insurance to cover this possibility"¦. UK visitors to the Isle of Man will face charges for unscheduled hospital in-patient treatment.
Well., it's not going to affect me personally because I take out a yearly policy for Europe, but the bottom line is, that if you fancy a little jaunt/holiday from the UK over to the IOM and visa versa, you are being advised to have medical insurance from 01/04/10, because if you end up as an unscheduled in-patient in hospital"¦"¦.it may/will cost you.