my wife and i are off to grenada at the end of march, what's the best currency to take?
us dollars, eastern carribean dollars or us dollars travellers cheques? don't seem to be able to find much info on grenada, we'll be taking a couple of hundred pounds in easter carribean dollars to get us started but just not sure what to do next!
thanks in advance for any replies or info!
When we went in 2007 we took EC dollars to start us off them drew the rest out of the " hole in the wall" and we had no problems. Most places will take US or EC dollars you just get a better price with the EC ones. We stayed in Carriacou which has only a couple of banks so you should be OK in Grenada. I take it you have checked on for more info.
We took a mix of all 3 and had no probs with any of them. Form memory EC$ was the standard currency, and if we ever went to pay in US$ they would calculate it, but oyu might lose a bit on whatever exchange they apply!
thanks both for replying!
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