Don't you think that blocking the links to you tube is detrimental to this site.?
I have posted a promotional video of Benidorm with some good footage of the town years ago and now.
I adjusted the link so that it wouldn't work directly when clicking on it, and the members would have to work around this, if they were wanting to view the video.
Straight away it has been removed by the mod, What's the point of trying to share something which will give others pleasure in here.? Isn't that the whole ethos of the site, Truth and helping people.?
Other well respected sites seem to have no trouble allowing You tube links.
Sounds a bit mad to me. I'm sure holidaymakers would love to see some of your footage on areas that are of potential interest to them. Not sure what the reasoning behind disallowing your link could be. I'm sure the mods will soon offer an explanation.
I wondered what happened to it Sanji, I guess I was quick enough to view it and I had then asked you a question about the clip. When I went to read what I had posted the thread had disappeared.
I was slightly puzzled by this as well. I know that YouTube upload 24 hours of video each second and that the mods on either site cannot be expected to review all videos but surely a direct link from this site's members are unlikely to be offensive or is there another reason?
I will always be grateful for the thread which showed me how to access this free web hosting, but......
A while back I posted a video that I took at Doncaster Airport which showed the horrendous queue to check in for an early morning flight,we had been discussing this problem in here with those members who use DSA, and the video was no more than one and a half minutes long.
There seemed no point in uploading it into the video library because it wouldn't have "fitted" anywhere, so, I uploaded it via my free webspace.
Yep, straight away when the mod came on line, it was removed and my post was locked, so, I couldn't even go back in to correct a typo error.
This video was hosted on my personal webspace which is the same addy as my account e-mail, and I think it shows more about what you think of me and the other members in here, rather than the content.
As if I'm going to post a video at my age and 5 years later, which would be offensive.?
You tube is just a hosting site, and whilst there may be the problem of spamming with offensive material, other sites seem to be able to overcome this problem, and isn't there some way in which members who have contributed in here, can have this by-passed by some techno gadget in which the users name will be recognised.?
I was told in the past that videos weren't allowed in case you changed it later to a PORNO

I do think this site is missing an opportunity not allowing direct You Tube links and photos in posts. A picture can save a thousand words and a video many thousands.
I seem to remember photos being included in posts and there is an Img instruction in the Reply menu. Let's try a photo of dawn over Symi Harbour on my web page:
Thanks for that rp I'd missed that
I would have thought that could be prevented by removing the edit for any thread with a video
That would be one way of doing it.
I just think it's crazy when we have a sticky showing you how to use your webspace, but you can't use it in here.
This morning I spotted a link on another forum that has been hosted on you tube by BenidormTV, so I go onto you tube and view the video myself, I then deliberately adjust the link, so that the members would have to put the link in their browser and delete the added adjustment to view the video on You tube, and it's still not allowed.
It wasn't as though I was trying to spam or anything like that, for goodness sake I enjoyed the video myself and just thought that others in the Costa Blanca forum would like to see it too, you never know, it might have actually been a good thread, but, nope, let's not try and pull the forum out of the cemetery, let's not try and put a round peg into a square hole.

I don't have any qualms about spotting a video link on another site, because I have posted in other forums and posted a link to my videos in HT, and they haven't deleted my link because they have blocked HT....I always thought that after viewing the video, they might stick around and be contributing members.
Ah well, such is life, another potential good thread gone down the pan.

I have normally posted mine on Youtube. then done a link
I'm surprised the mods haven't come on with an explanation. They're normally on the ball.
On the subject of a video link being later altered to one containing Porn then that applies also to anything posted using the IMG command also and to any link to an external site. Are we going to ban those too ? There comes a point where you have to trust people and if they break that trust - deal with them. Maybe there is a modification which allows posts to be edited only for an hour after posting , then the edit facility is removed. That way you don't have to trust anybody.
How do we do the photo slideshow Sanji?
I believe you know how to do a slide show, I use Pinnacle software and instead of uploading video footage, I go into my pictures and drop them into the time-line, add the transitions and music, then convert it to streaming and wmv file, and save it on my computer.
You then upload it into the video library, but the video library works on the same principle as the photo gallery, in which it must have a theme/, if it's crocs on tour in Lanzarote, you have to make sure it is called something like "crocs/Lanzarote" and it will be moved into the Lanzarote section.
But, if you have something like a video of Doncaster Airport, where is it going to go? are they going to make a new folder/section for a 1½ minute video of a queue at an Airport and maybe never have another video uploaded.? and anyway IMO the video needed to be in the thread to continue the flow, otherwise the conversation will have move on 12 paces by the time it is approved and a link is posted.
Once the video has been approved and moved, you post the link in your post in the thread.
What's the difference between uploading from your computer and uploading from your personal webspace with the same addy as your account e-mail.?
I have normally posted mine on ****. then done a link
Posted a link in here.? cor blimey I felt like I had committed a cardinal sin because my thread was wiped off the face of the earth, quicker than you can say Costa Blanca.
IMO: The video library is a dead moot or we have some very ignorant people on this planet because after approx 50 videos and hundreds of viewings, I've been lucky to have half a dozen people comment on them, but never mind, it's only MY time.
Material on some video hosting sites can be edited or substituted to something completely different and wholly inappropriate, but still use the same URL. An innocent video linked to one day, could potentially be a porn video the next day. There is no mistrust of our members in that respect, bearing in mind that any videos which they attempt to link to are rarely their own in any case. Any mistrust might be in the person whose video content has been linked to, or in a site which appears to have little or no moderation policy or control.
Lots of videos on You Tube do not belong to the person who has uploaded them to that site, they have been stolen from other sites and uploaded in breach of copyright. There are various legal issues outstanding in that respect, and we do not wish to be dragged into the situation by potentially linking to such videos.
It is also possible for viewers of You Tube videos to add their own personal comments about the material. Quite often in the case of videos which highlight hotel or holiday complaints for example, those comments are highly libelous. Linking to any libelous content carries risks for HTs.
The situation regarding You Tube may be reviewed at a later stage, but meantime the filter is in place.
Links to some sites are disallowed simply because it is part of their copyright policy. Copyright infringement doesn't always relate just to the reproduction of material from another site without permission, it can also refer specifically to direct weblinks to that site.
It is not possible for us to constantly monitor links for inappropriate content, libel, copyright infringement, etc and so to protect our legal position and the future of the site, certain links have to be blocked if we feel they might place HTs at risk.
Some other sites are blocked because they have spammed us, and some are blocked because members have reported their computers being infected with viruses when linking to them from our pages.
When we feel it necessary to filter links to certain websites, it is not without good reason. It is not helpful, in fact it could be damaging to us, if members try to circumvent or defeat the filter when they discover it is blocking links which they are attempting to post.
There are also sites which restrict access to Holidaytruths, simply because we are regarded as a rival !

What's the difference between uploading from my computer and uploading from my personal webspace with the same addy as my account e-mail, when you could see that the addy was the same as my account e-mail.?
I can't figure this out..
What is the difference between uploading video footage (that belongs to me) from my computer into the video library and posting a link, and uploading from my computer onto the webspace that BT give me, using the same addy as my account and posting a link .?
Is using the facility available by BT as the hosting site, any more a threat to this site, than using ImageShack which is allowed in posts.?
PS: I can understand why we have a video library and after taking the time to make a video, it's good that the video is in one permanent place, but I fail to see why a 1½ minute video of an airport queue posted by a long standing member should be deleted, when the video addy matches the account addy and the subject matter is not resort related, and was only relevant to the conversation taking place at that time.

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