I recieved a letter from Thomas cook stating that the name of my hotel had changed. It then went on to say that all of my exclusive benefits were no longer available.
The reason we booked the holiday in the first place was because we have 4 children aged 1,3,4 and 5 so to book in to a hotel that also carried a free unlimited access ticket to port aventuras theme park was an ideal family holiday for us. we had to budget as much as we could to get the best holiday deal that would stop the children from being bored.
As the holiday company are the ones that have changed our holiday plans surely can we not get our money back?? We cant afford to budget any more for the entrance tickets which are at £70 each and there are 6 of us, we simply can not afford this on top.
Is there anyway the holiday company have to refund us our deposit? We ended up paying £900 deposit and to be quite frank im really put off visiting another country now. That £900 could have bought my kids a couple of trips to gullivers land and new clothes to go with.
Oh i dont know what to do.. what are my rights??