ok longish story so here goes lol
went on holiday to turkey in july we booked 2 rooms next to each other with a pool view a whole year in advance and paid 4 grand for it
2 adults 3 kids
arrived checked in to be told rooms were apart at back of hotel i was furious begged for 2 together but they said no way none left
so procedded to the lift then they called us back
and said we give you 2 together must have realised kids ages and suddenly up popped 2 room together
arrived at rooms overlooking back road so said ok lets get on with it
however noticed water constantly on bathroom floor behind toilet kept clenaing it up
it kept re appearing so foned reception and foned them and went down to them and went down to them for6 days was totally ignored
sliped on it also in end placed towels to soak up water was outraged 5 star my eye
ok in second room it was worse
my 2 eldest slept there and on day 2 they said mum we have water coming in from ceiling so went to see it
oh my it was so baddddddddd
the water was leaking out of the aircon vent on the roof the water leak was so baed the carpet was so so wet was a constant fall of water from along bathroom facing and facings all rotten and roof damp in several places from this we reported it reprted it and reorted
finally got maid in she was horrified she then foned donw to reception who said sumone be up rigth away
eventually somone listened and befroe we knew it was loads of them up looking at water damage then moved us on day 7 and closed the rooms down
however we were moved to what they called a suite whcih was one large room with one batthroom one balcony one tv etc i was fuming as i paid for 2 roomssssss as we needed 2 rooms so as you can see i am terribly upset
hotel offered nothing was not a bit sorry we spent whole of day 7 moving stuff etc and unpacking what a shambles it was
i have lodged my complaint wiht first choice
i intened to push for a full refund
how do you think first choice will deal with this
thanks in advance
- slowly and inadequately! They'll probably offer a couple hundred quids worth of vouchers at first.how do you think first choice will deal with this
Did you report this to the First Choice rep straight away or was the first they knew of it when you got back? Complaining at reception might seem the obvious thing to do but you also need to inform the rep. If you didn't get a complaint in at the time they'll say you didn't give them chance to fix things, such as moving you to a new hotel. And if you didn't give them a chance they'll say you're not entitled to compensation (which may not be true but it's the start of a struggle).
Did you get any photos or get other holidaymakers to witness it (and what were their rooms like)?
Contact with FC should be by proper letters, no email or phone calls, use recorded delivery and keep the proof of posting. Expect them to take 28 days to answer each letter. The big three operators know the system and have large in-house legal teams to fend off the mass of claims they get. Full refunds of this size are as rare as hens teeth and usually only come after court appearances. It's likely that you will need a solicitor who knows the system as well as them, not just a local one out of Yellow Pages.
Just for the record, what was the hotel?
yes i informed rep who came to see rooms and he was like omggggggg
coudnt beleivehis eyes then we informed a customer relations woman who then informed half the hotel maangment they were all in my room within 5 mins
i filled out complint in resort to rep
i also emailed them complaint they mailed back askign few details so u recommend i write to them also
do you have correct addy pls
i stayed in
green nature resort and spa turkey marmaris
i am totally disgusted i dotn want their vouchers i want a cash refund to compenste for the trauma
thanks for your advice
what next pls
All of it is relevant but at this stage you are lodging a complaint. At some later date then you may need to write more and provide evidence such as pictures.
Remember the 28 day timeline and do not bombard them with follow ups chasing your complaint. It only creates problems for both sides. In an ideal world one person would deal with the whole thing but follow ups create multiple claims and make it even more complicated. If you booked via an agent ask them to forward your letter - keeping a copy of course.
A professional approach puts you more in control. Difficult I know when you are angry, but there is plenty of help here on HT should you need it.
A concise letter outlining your complaint would be your next step, informing them you have the evidence to forward to them if needs be.
You will have to have patience because it will be a long drawn out process but you seem to be in a good position.
Best of Luck and please keep us informed of the outcome.
After Travel Customer Support,
First Choice Holidays,
Wigmore House,
Wigmore Place,
Wigmore Lane,
....and don't forget to put your booking reference number at the top of every letter.
Why not post your sample letter her first and we'll help you with it? Please don't post any personal details ie your name just put xxxx
will keep you posted
just didnt know if it was worth pursuing but i think it is
fingers crossed
thanks again
The water leaks are of course a huge issue but you will find that rooms together and pool view requests no matter how far they're booked in advance are rarely if ever guaranteed as stupid as it seems they would assume that the party would split with an adult sleeping in each room.
thanks for your reply yes i agree about the pool views etc that was just an added moan lol
however the water was the main complaint i fully agree with you i will prob only get accomodation back
but if you start high and all that lol
fingers crossed i get refund on hotel for both rooms for 10 days
think i will eh?
actually the water wasn't your biggest problem - if it was coming from faulty air conditioning Legionaires Disease would have been top of the list of things to worry about! Don't panic, I think you're safe if the symptoms haven't appeared by now!
hope they consider this i not gonna drop this till i get refund for accomation which i think i am well entitled to
anyone agree?

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