Hello everyone,
I'm working on a travel magazine for a college task, and my idea is to create an article based on holidays after exams, based on how stressful they were. It will be in the form of a chart or graph, and will will incorporate something like the following:
Extremely stressful? - Name of place
Mildly stressful? - Name of place
Stress free? - Name of place
Practically I'm after some advice on places to use. The article is for a student magazine in the Watford area, so there obviously can't be things like a two week luxury stay in Las Vegas or something!
I'm struggling with this one, I would be grateful for any help.
Are you asking for people to recommend places for holidays that could be taken after students have finished their exams?
'Stressful' is such a subjective thing. I would be stressed to death if my holiday hotel was next to one of the big discos on Ibiza whereas I know many 20 somethings who would go out of their minds sitting with me for hours on end fishing off the end of a jetty somewhere quiet in the Med!
So are you expecting us to recommend places suitable for young people?
Don't people in Watford go to Vegas? (Vegas was very stressful when I went there, never again)!
Yes I'm asking for recommendations for holidays that could be taken after students have taken their exams. And yes the places need to be suitable for young people, around the age of A-level exams, so around 17-19 years of age.
People in Watford do go to Vegas, but for the most part of Watford's college students, Vegas wouldn't be a likely option for an after exams holiday, due to the price.
As I say, I want recommendations for holidays after a very stressful exam period, holidays after a mildly stressful exam period, and after a stress free exam period. I can see it's going to be difficult to find different holiday options for the reasons I've mentioned, I don't know what difference of holidays to look for myself.
So yeah, I probably need to give more details as to what I'm after, but if anyone has any suggestions, or even just general recommendations for after exams, I would be very grateful.
Not only that, one student may relieve their stress by going on an adventure holiday going biking, hiking and the like which could be awful for the person standing next to her who may just want to lay on the beach and so on - it's no different to any of us really, what is one persons fancy is not going to be for the next!
Laganas in Zante seems to be one of the places becoming more & more popular at the moment with that age .Not as in your face as Magaluf or Malia but a good choice for those that want a few drinks & clubs.
I'm assuming, Josh, that you are a student at college in Watford? In which case the best people to help you with this might be your fellow students (I suspect that the exam-taking days are well and truly over for a lot of us on here!). How about setting up a FaceBook page or a Google group asking students at your college to share their suggestions with you? Lots of colleges now have VLEs (eg BlackBoard or Moodle) where you could set up a blog and invite people to post suggestions/recommendations etc into it, even tell you about any plans that they (or their parents who are perhaps going to be paying for it?) have already made for a post-exam treat or chill-out rest? You could then summarise the material that other students post into it and then construct your article around suggestions made by - and perhaps already test run - by the very sort of people you are hoping to be able to offer helpful suggestions to.

I could give you a list of places my 2 sons went after their various A level, NVQ and degree exams but they were all basically your typical 18-30 resorts e.g. magalluf, kavos, laganas, Marmaris etc.
I've just read your post to my 24 year old son and he does see what you mean. He says for example- if you'd had a stressful exam you wouldn't opt for a city break with lots of rushing around trying to cram things in as you'd just want to go somewhere and chill.
Let me know if I (or my sons) can be of any more help.
Had a brilliant post exam 5 days at one of the cabaret weekends in Butlins Minhead. Opted for half board so the cooking was sorted.
chilled no probs.....beach bum holiday......to re=cap and feel smug
on the boil .....need to chill but plenty to do holiday.....let out the nervous energy and re-generate
full on steamin .....somewhere buzzin , theme park with mad rides, dancin on the bar pubs and clubs...to let it all go before it blows.....
Then you can research and find holidays that fit your criteria.....sure we could all give some suggestions if given a type of holiday ......tweetie
Hi Josh,my son is only 16 so not sure if he is really the right age for your study,we paid for him to go to Florida for 3 weeks after his gcse's,he had a really hectic time going to all the theme parks for the first 2 weeks then a week of luxury at a Disney hotel on all-inclusive basis.He went with his girlfriend and her parents and enjoyed every minute of his holiday.
So - what others have said on here regarding focussing your research on people who are either planning their post exam holidays, or have taken them in the last year or so, really makes more sense. And, (as has already been pointed out), since the level of exam stress may not affect holiday choice and people choose different things to escape stress, it may be worth including questions on this, in addition to the choice of destination.
Thanks very much for all your helpful replies. Okay, I totally agree with focusing more on how much steam the students need to let out as opposed to how stressful the exams were. Some suggestions for that would be great, the categories being:
- Chilled (beach holiday)
- On the boil (again, a relaxing holiday but with plenty to do)
- Full on steaming (Theme parks, bars and clubs etc...)
Thanks so much TWEETIE PIE for the suggestions, they're perfect for what I'm looking to do. Anyway, suggestions for places would be fantastic.

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