Hi guys

, just got back from a week in Fuerteventura and a strange thing happened as we were about to land at East Midlands Airport. We were a few feet from the runway and waiting for the bump on landing when the engines throttled up and we took off again!! We climbed to quite a height and did a full circle and began our approach again. The pilot appologised saying he had aborted the landing because the ground control were not ready for us to land. In all the years I have been flying I have never ever had an experience like this. After all, it`s not like he is looking for a space to park in the local ASDA, Air Traffic Control have given him permission to land! Me and the Mrs both have a theory as to what happened.
MY THEORY........ The Pilots dropped the landing gear, but the dashboard lights only show two out of the three wheels down. So we have done a low fly by so the crew on the ground can have a look to make sure all is well. Sounds a bit like a Disaster movie I know, but an American plane landed on a wheel and a wing a few weeks ago.
THE WIFE`S THEORY........ When we boarded the pilot introduced us to his crew. His co-pilot was Spanish. So she says, on the approach the pilots said to the co-pilot (who may not have landed at East Midlands) "go on son you land it!" and he has bottled it !!
Joking apart, we arrived safe and well, but were just puzzled by what had happened.