I'd really like to know why Elemis put a sun filter into the accelerator.
Factor 4 is totally useless in terms of protection and if you use the product in the evening, as they advise you to do, then where's the sun whilst you are sleeping for the sun protection component of this product.?
If you use it in the morning, you are supposed to put your SPF potions on first and then apply the accelerator last , as Keeley states that the accelerator doesn't contain any sun filters.
Confusing or what.?

I've run out so I'm waiting to find it on offer. Last time I bought it I got 2 tubes for the price of 1, though I doubt I'll find that again.
I just wish they'd make their minds up about the product, and with a sun filter in it, there's no wonder people don't know when to use it, and I can't fathom out why they needed to add a sun filter if they're saying use it in the evenings.
I used to buy Eco-tan and that didn't contain any sun filters, so it was pretty straight forward and I used to have a shower in the evenings and apply it, I'd wait for it to be absorbed and then apply my normal moisturiser.
That dizzy blonde Claire makes me laugh, she obviously has no idea, it takes about 3 weeks for the melanocytes, which are situated in the basal layer of the skin to produce melanin, in a process called melanogenesis, which makes them come to the surface and she's saying you'll see the difference in a week....
Yeah, right, she evens butts in when Keeley says 3 weeks....I mean, who's supposed to be the Elemis expert between them. ?
Owt for a sale......if I was her, I'd stick to being dizzy.


I've splashed out and bought the Gatineau accelerator at times, which is another top of the range product.
In terms of value for money, well, QVC's price with P&P £45 is a lot and I've usually bought when it's been on "easy pay", but you can buy it for £32 in other outlets and in terms of comparing it with Elemis at around £19 for a 125 ml tube, then Gatineua at 400 mls works out cheaper because you'd need 3 tubes of Elemis to get 375 mls @ £57. (unless you dropped on a bargain with BOGOF)
And IMO, it works just as good because the key ingredient is either Glucose Tyrosinate or Psoralen (extracted from citrus oil) and all the rest are things like Shea butter, Jojoba and Vitamin E, which if you dabble in Aromatherapy, you'll know are not expensive.
I also like that the Gatineau accelerator is in a pump action bottle and I know it's a bit bulky to take on holiday, but I personally find it a lot easier to use than fiddling about with tube tops and trying to squeeze every last drop out of a tube, I usually just stand the bottle upside down for the remnants to drain to the neck of the bottle and then tap the bottle in the palm of my hand ( minus the pump part of course)
There's no sun filters in Gatineau, it's a top of the range product and you can use it morning or night (or both) on clean skin after a shower....simples.
Another thing...if you use stuff like Ultrasun which basically puts a plastic water resistant film over your skin, and then using the tan accelerator after, how is the accelerator going to sink into the skin.?
Ultrasun specifically say that their product should be applied to clean skin, yet Keeley said use the Ultrasun first, which is correct, then apply the Elemis tan accelerator.
Well, that's an awful lot of money at £19 a tube to be sitting on top of a plastic coating and going nowhere or doing owt.
Too much conflicting advice for my liking and you're right, there is no need for a useless sun filter in the product if you're going to use it before going to bed and wash it off in the morning.
I've used the Avon beta carotene in the same way as I've used the elemis and tbh I'm not sure that the elemis is any better. I've got some Avon one left so I may just stick with that unless Elemis come up with an offer I can't refuse.
Just lately I have been using Maui Babe browning lotion which I find really works - even my son who never tans has used it and the difference is unbelieveable! I look like I have been abroad for a fortnight!
Do you use that before sunbathing Denny? I thought it was for sunbed use or can you use the ones for sunbed use in natural sunlight too?
This one you put on after your normal sunscreen or you can use it on it's own - but would only do this here on a warm, not too hot day (we don't get many here in Manchester anyway LOL) I wouldn't do it abroad....It's dark brown in the bottle but is not a stain nor a self tanner. It's expensive £9.99 a small bottle but SO worth it!
Google it, loads of reviews....
Most of the Maui Babe browning lotion you can get in the UK is for use with natural sunshine. They do one especially for sunbeds but I haven't seen it very often.
I have used Maui Babe a few times. I haven't really noticed any difference worth speaking of. It smells of coffee, which I quite like, but is very greasy. Less is definitely more! Ok in the sea or big pool, but when I used it in the villa pool last year, the water didn't seem to appreciate it

I do like the Maui Babe Aftersun though.
Edit - denny, where do you buy your Maui Babe from?
I got mine from
You will also need a good bath cleaner as well LOL, it leaves a great tide mark in the bath! But a small price to pay IMO
Thanks. Will have a look at that site. I usually frequent Ebay. I am going to give it one last chance when we go away in September.
I used to suffer with eczema as a child, but I grew out of it and I've had a dry skin since the menopause, but a couple of months ago and 50 odd years later, I broke out in eczema mainly on both my arms from shoulder to wrist, which according to the quack has been brought on by stress and I can't use anything, even water sets me off ripping at my arms until they bleed, and I've got scabs and scars that look like someone who self harms.
When we had glorious weather the other week, I was pottering about in the garden with a stringy vest top on, and I had to go cover up and get out of the sun because even though I wasn't sat sunbathing and I was moving about, the sun set me off scratching at the eczema.....
Some holiday it's going to be if I don't get this cleared up soon, and I'm going to come back as white as I went


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