I'm considering booking this for next April for the hubby's birthday, is this a good deal or not.?
I've never been to the USA so I have no idea of the type of trains used, etc
I noticed food is extra.
The date is perfect 24th April (£1,518 each)
Thanks in advance for any replies.
first, have you got the travel bug now Sanji ?
I've only travelled short journeys on trains in the US so can't be much help with the train part of the trip. Must say though that when I was going to do a cross country journey using Amtrak I was dissuaded by American friends who told me horror stories of long delays when using the trains in the US (this was some years ago though) I seem to remember one of HT members doing an extensive train trip in the US, I't may have been Alsacienne though I can't be certain, if so I'm sure she can give you some facts.
My first visit to the USA was to the South Western States nearly 40 years ago and all of the places on your holiday were where we visited and it remains one of my most memoriable holidays, I've been back to the west a few times since and it is still one of my favourite holiday destinations.. I'm not a big fan of Las Vegas but it's a place you have to see once and it's close proximity to some of the national parks (Red Rock is worth a visit)makes it a good destination, especially with your interest in the native culture, ( I think it's the Paiute Indians in that area) I believe there is an Indian Cultural Center in LV which would probably be worth a visit.
On the whole I think the holiday sounds great and apart from the train part which I can't give any advice I would definitely say go for it.
Funnily enough OH has a big birthday in a couple of years time and the South Western States are one of the places we are considering.
I didn't answer your question about the price being a good deal. I'ts hard to say, meals aren't included, but then they never are in the USA. AS anywhere these days the weak pound makes everything seem more expensive. The hotels look reasonably upmarket and won't be cheap.
I mostly travel to the USA individually so can't really say honestly whether the price is good, but it looks like something I would pay if going on a tour.
first, have you got the travel bug now Sanji ?
No, not really

I just want to do something special for him and I've been all around the world this last few weeks.(in my head and the t'internet).
I'm really tempted with that tour and I've talked him around half way there now, keep telling him there's no pockets in shrouds.
I'm not bothered, but I know he's always wanted to go to Las Vegas and time is not on his side.

I'll have to leave this now until I come back from Spain, but I just wondered whether it was good value for money and a good deal.
I posted because I thought those who go to the USA would compare it with other tours/packages/DIY.
Thanks for answering Judith.
Cost wise it doesn't look cheep, I suppose a lot would depend on the hotels they use?
Our last trip trip the states was for two and a bit weeks flying London to Vegas, Vegas to Texas, Texas to San Fran, San fran to Vegas and then home. All the hotels were good 4* , 3 in Texas and all flights and accommodation booked diy separately. Cost about £2300 for the two of us.
We too looked at the train but it was very expensive compared to flying.
I suppose alot depends on if you would go the diy route and what you want to see and do ??
It realy is cheap and easy to fly around the states once you get there.
Hope this helps

Have you considered a coach tour such as Travelsphere? My auntie and my brother have both done this and saw a lot of places in a short time.

Have you thought about the rocky mountaineer in Canada, this is something we want to do in a few years time.
We have done a fair bit of travelling in Canada and for us, the scenery is quite stunning.
I looked at a trip very similar, sanji, after reading an article in a newspaper. The trip was train from Chicago to San Francisco, and the writer said 150$ for the ticket plus 192$ for the food etc??? Well, I priced it up, and goodness knows where that guy got his figures, cos it turned out to be around 1200$ without airfares. What I priced up had no hotels included either. So, based on what I was researching, your trip sounds like a really good deal!!
Thanks for all the replies, I'm off to Spain in 6 hours, will continue later.
I thought I had seen the holiday somewhere, and just realised I saw it in next weeks Radio Times that OH brought back with him from the UK last night.

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