probley been mentioned loads of times, (but can not find the thread) when i go away, i think i'm to soft as i feel guilty if i do not leave tips even when the food or service as not been what it should. on average if say my meal bill comes to 20 euros i leave around 3/4 euro tip. is this to much?
also on another note, really did not notice untill recently, when we was in ibiza every bar i went in the bar man/women always gave my change in a small tipping plate even if i only ordred one drink, there fore hinting to leave some change on the plate for the bar person. without doing any calculations i bet i give away at least 150 in euros in a two week holiday.
your views and comments please on what you give or spend on tipping
If we only intend having one drink, my husband goes to the bar to order and he collects all the change even if its put on a plate. If we've been in the same place for a while we usually leave around a pound. After a meal its usually about £2.50. However last year we did start to com[plain if the food and service wasn't satisfactory. We ended up having a free bottle of wine & free desserts. I don't see why we are expected to tip for poor food and service. If we go AI we tip the waiter the equivalent of a fiver the 1st night to ensure that we get decent service, and the same at the end of the holiday. Hope this helps.
I always make a point of tipping if the service and food or drink we receive is good. If we are only having one round of drinks in a bar I would normally leave just a bit of the loose change once I have paid. If we are having a meal etc then I go by the 10% rule so for a meal costing 20 Euro I would leave 2 a Euro tip. I completely agree with Helen that it works both ways so if the service or food is bad I would point that out and not leave a tip.
Not tipping in, for example, the Netherlands would be perfectly acceptable, doing the same in the USA will most likely get you very dirty looks.

I don't know about other destinations but I believe the general consensus in Spain is if you sit at a table, you leave a tip (I usually leave around 10%). If you just stand at the bar to drink - a tip is not expected. Although if my change is just a few cents, I leave it anyway - but you're right - it does add up!
On average we leave 10% but if it is a place we really like and know we are going to visit it again at some time we tend to leave more. That way you get remembered as the good tippers and get that bit of extra attention on your next visit. We did this in a restaurant 17years ago and visited there more than once during our holidays. Now we are good friends with the owner and always get that extra special treatment - oh and free drinks all night
In Singapore you don't tip. We had the funny situation of handing over money to a taxidriver and not waiting for change, and the driver coming after us to give us the change

In the States you seem to have to tip everything that moves- and 10% would be an insult.
In Europe we follow the same practice, however in the USA they expect tips for everything (cabs, doorman, bartender, waiter etc.) as the tips tend to form part of their wages but again, if the service doesn't warrent it then I wouldn't tip (not that this has ever been the case as I find they usually fall over themselves to please you)
The spanish don't tip anyone, that said I always tip for good service but certainly not if the food or service is not up to the mark. Anything more than 10% is IMA over the top.
I would tip 10% in Europe, but at least 15-20% in the US and even then I feel like I'm stiffing them.
In most French restaurants the carte (menu) usually says 'servis compris' which means a tip is automatically added on. If you leave a tip then you are tipping twice.
I remember tipping the chamber maid in Hongkong some years ago. I rather think it is against the rules as she put her finger on her lips in a conspiratorial manner and came over and kissed me.

Frank and I decided that we would ignore this advice, and not only invited her to eat with us every day, but gave her food and clothes etcetera to take home. We were in Mauritius for 4 hectic weeks, and the last days were filled with lots of goodbye visits, so we started to prepare for our return a couple of days before leaving. Vivienne had given us excellent service, so we decided on a very generous tip and without really thinking, gave her this a couple of days in advance. We never did see her again!

The moral of that story is, if you are happy with the service, by all means give a generous tip if you wish - but please - leave it until the last day!!

Incidently totally off topic the temp is 31° here and has been for the past week, though we are expecting to get some of the UK'S rain this weekend.
thanks .judith...........
if the service is poor no, I don't tip if we just having a drink only for meals.
With money being tight now for everyone, if I do tip, it wont be as musch as before,
We wont tip if the food or service was bad, nor if we just have one drink. Otherwise we leave around 10% for a meal and some change for drinks. We also round up taxi fares and leave a tip for the maid in the apartment when we leave.

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