For the past few years we have flown once a year long haul and have found the first three hours ok, but hours 4, 5 and 6 unbearable, however we perk up a bit for the last 3 hours as we know we haven't got too long to go.
I tend to occupy myself by reading the inflight magazine, play games on my Nintendo DS and listen to my ipod. I love my ipod as I have several films and tv programmes on it, so if the inflight entertainment isn't up to much I watch those.
I don't usually sleep that much on long haul flights, I put that down to being worried that I might miss something.
This year I added taking photos to reading and doing puzzles. I get restless after a couple of hours and can't settle, but trying to get a decentish photo through a window with ice crystals on it was qute time consuming. No hope coming back though, too cloudy.
Tosca100 that is a really good idea, my daughters love taking pictures of special things so I may suggest that to them on the plane this year!
i like taking photos out of the window too, got some great ones over the alps last year
I am told by my wife that I keep everyone awake with my snoring. I let others worry - or possible hope for - that the plane will fall from the sky and so save them.
God you sound like my hubby FWH. He snores loud enough to drown out the engines and does he care? Nope. We get lots of stares, from over newspapers, when on the sunbeds due to his high decibel outage.
Just having a read back through my old post and it seems like really everyone gets bored on the plane, but when I am actually on the plane being nosey everyone looks occupied!!!
I take, Ipod, DS, book(s), puzzle book and maybe a magazine are the norm for me. I also take a manicure kit complete with varnish as I always run out of time before going away.
I am told that if you say - IN A LOUD VOICE - Hmm That starboard engine sounds a bit ropey. Missfires - can you hear it? Hope it does not fail. That there will then be silence for the whole trip whilst everyone listens just in case. Peace perfect peace.
I get bored before the plane has even taken off.

small cheap mp3 player [last about 3rs all 60/70S] and look out the window if its clear if not read or do a puzzle book
Sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
head butted the window trying to see a bit more than clouds but failed, went to the loo for a little walk round etc, then flipping turbulance happened just as it was my turn to go in the loo and we had to sit down again, please of i'm desperate didnt work.
but considering it was 8 hours flight it went way quicker than bucket squashed knees to turkey.
handbag goes on the floor under seat in front so i dont have to keep getting up to get bits out of it. huby does the same as well.
basically i have attention span of a nat.
Just flown back from Tenerife and spent the whole flight reading my kindle - just had to finish that book!!

I am a bit of a worrier, more so now ive got children. My eldest is great on a plane, he settles down with his ipod/DS and i just leave him to it. The twins are only 2 so they are a handful but they will get easier.
I often wonder what the poor people sitting in front of us think as its a constant battle to stop them from kicking the seat, banging the tray up and down, pushing the tray so it clips back in again, pinging the magazine holder.... poor person in front!!
I (when i get a chance) try to read but i have to stop every 5 mins to ask DP "whats that noise" or "why is the plane bumpy" or "i dont like it".
Last year someones backside was rotten so we spent ages guessing who it was and captured (filming via mobile) the lady behind us holidng her nose trying not to throw up with the smell!!! That kept us amused for a few mins!
DP always gets the food trays piled up on his table!!
I am told that if you say - IN A LOUD VOICE - Hmm That starboard engine sounds a bit ropey. Missfires - can you hear it? Hope it does not fail. That there will then be silence for the whole trip whilst everyone listens just in case. Peace perfect peace.
I spy with my little eye something begining with L R,
I often wonder what the poor people sitting in front of us think as its a constant battle to stop them from kicking the seat, banging the tray up and down, pushing the tray so it clips back in again, pinging the magazine holder.... poor person in front!!
We normally just blame the parents!!!

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