Very naughty indeed.!
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I couldn't get it Sanji
I had read it somewhere else Sanji, they must be getting really desperate to resort to the tactics reported.
Edited to remove Copyright © material, items from other websites may not be copied and then reproduced unless explicit prior permission from the original source is obtained, please ONLY provide a direct weblink.
Erm, I can't post a link to the Times Newspaper because I refuse to pay to view the paper on-line, However I do buy the newspaper and as such having bought the paper I regard the paper as mine, therefore I cut out the article from MY paper, scanned it and posted it.
What was it Sanji? I wanna read it!
However I do buy the newspaper and as such having bought the paper I regard the paper as mine, therefore I cut out the article from MY paper, scanned it and posted it.
Unfortunately, Sanji that's not how copyright law works. You own that copy of the paper but you don't own the content and unless you have the permission of the person/organisation that does own the copyright on the content you are not allowed to scan/copy/forward it to anybody else. And the law is framed in such a way that not only you but HT would be liable to prosecution too and have to pay a very hefty fine for infringing the copyright. This is a particular problem with The Times/Sunday Times because unlike other papers they do charge to view the on-line edition and hence why you aren't able to post a link.
Copyright law is a legal octopus that spreads its tentacles far and wide - buying a book or newspaper means that you can read it but can do little else with it!
Believe it or not, from tomorrow onwards until Easter, our school is the subject of a photocopying audit. Everything we photocopy has to be recorded - the ISBN of any books used has to be provided, and the county will be keeping logs of every copy made. A huge poster has gone up, naming all sorts of materials from which we are not allowed to photocopy or copy and paste, and newspapers are on the list.
A huge poster has gone up, naming all sorts of materials from which we are not allowed to photocopy or copy and paste, and newspapers are on the list.
Came across this problem many years ago. The company worked for would often circulate items that were of interest to departments. Notices re invitations to tender was one. WE finished up with several departments subscribing to the same publications. It was cheaper than getting a licence that would enable us to copy them. Whilst moderators try to stick within the rules there is also the same problem with links. The Daily Mail T&Cs for example state you cannot post/share links without permission. This also applies to other publications.
I believe the Daily Mail block on using weblinks has been relaxed, but you definitely couldn't link to it before.
Would be interested if anyone could give us a clue as to what this thread is about
2.2. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, you must not (whether directly or indirectly) copy, download, store, make available, distribute,
The "Make available and Distribute" comments means you should not post links. I know people do so on many sites but I doubt they are really concerned when people post links to articles on social sites such as HT - but there may come a time when they decide to take action.
Sanji will probably correct me but as I remember it the gist of the post was the dirty tricks being used to sell excursions.

When we were in Sharm we booked an excursion with the Rep and picked up people who had booked with a local company.
I think often the Tour operator ends up using the local company anyway!!! Just they charge you a hell of a lot more for it!
Tour operators in Tunisia often tell you that it isn't safe to book excursions with anyone else but them, which is obviously completely untrue as it is only the TO's profits which are at risk if you book with anyone else. I remember once on a cruise we called into La Goulette and they wanted about £25 for a trip into Tunis. A group of us declined their kind offer and spent just over £5 between us by walking to the station and catching the train.

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