Have declined to buy the sub zeros as yesterday I was in Matalan and just about to buy a couple of the large ones when a lady came up to me and advised me not to! I asked why and she said as there are no supports inside the case all of your clothes fall to the bottom and buldge out the sides of the case to the point that when you pull the case the actual bottom of the case starts to drag on the ground! She said this only happens on the large ones and we did indeed feel the medium cases and they felt much more rigid! We ended up putting them back!
Well I've never had this problem - even when loaded with 30kgs!
Reading up it says that it could be a batch problem
We bought some new pillows from Matalan the other day. each pair of pillows (they were Silentnight) came in a cloth case with a zipper. The cases would be no use for airline travel but this year we are going by car. We are looking at taking the cases as luggage as once they are in the car they won't come out till we reach our destination. Because the cases are soft they can go on the bottom and then we can place something heavy like the car fridge on top which will squash them down and make more space! We have already over half filled one with towels.
We took two sub zero cases back as they dragged on the floor the first time we used them. The shop replaced them and we haven't had any trouble since so maybe it was a batch problem. We find them very handy as they don't weigh much and it's surprising how much you can get in them for the 20 kgs.
hmmm, Am still in two minds! Maybe the 28" will be more sturdy as we'd fill that right up!
Or I could just get some normal cases and cut down on my wifes shoes!!!
i used hard cases for a couple of years and they always got broken as did my sisters. we bought a very large holdall and a medium one from argos. i put most of our clothes in the large one and shoes and toiletries etc in the medium.i wrap the toiletries in bubble wrap to protect them. so far after 2 hols a year for 4 years it has worked out very well.
if your holdall is not full on the way out just put an empty cardboard box in with your clothes.
Right, I think we are going to take the plunge thisafternoon and buy two of the medium cases from Matalan at £35 each! They seem a bit more sturdy than the large ones and I've pressed very hard inside and the fabric doesn't seem to rub on the floor so fingers crossed!
I've had my very cheap lightweight, expandable, wheeled soft suitcase for several years now and it's never given me any prpblems. I bought it from Tesco for under £15 and the only problem is that sometimes now it doesn't want to stand up, though it still tows very easily, even when weighing 30 kg. I have a theory that expensive cases give the impression that they have expensive things inside, making them a possible target for thieves.
We used them in March for a 2 week holiday and they only weighed 13kgs each when packed.
The only fault is there is no handle on the side just on the top.

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