The exchange rate in Calangute today was 83.50 for a £ also the USD and Euro were up on the week, have asked 'er Ladyship if I can have a draw against next weeks pocket money
The xrate on the street was even better at the weekend at just over 85 Rps for a hard earned pound but it slipped a little today but only to just under the 85, still hoping to see 85 with free transfer to our Indian account and my pension will be over here faster than I can sprint to a loo after a dodgy Goan fish curry rice
You could get 86.10 Rupees for a £ in Calangute at the weekend which was about 10 rupees more than we was getting at the start of season but it dropped to under 85 on Monday due to the Eurozone's problems but was creeping up again at 85.10 today