Hi there
I was looking for the tools, luggage label thingy. Has that gone, or are you making another one?
Hi Dawnie,
We appreciate the changeover has entailed far more than you bargained for, but keep going you will get there, these little extras would be nice to have back eventually
Those functions were all written by a third party, therefore we chose to remove them. HOWEVER, if its something people want again, we can certainly look are providing a new greatly improved version.
With the main holiday season imminent, 'as was and fairly quick' would be the ideal option in my opinion.

Sadly, it's not a question of 'new branding', its more a question of copyright. We can not use the original code as we did not write it.
Perhaps also something along the lines of a proforma for emergency contact details, passport number, flight numbers, hotel contact details and other info that might be required on a holiday.
We'll pop it on the list.

Regarding the provision for new labels, check sheets etc. Bit late for me in August, I'm off on my hols a week this Sunday

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