I've decided to give it a try.

Glynis HT Admin wrote:I had to telephone Nationwide today and whilst I was on the phone the girl told me about their Select Credit Card, which entitles you to commision free purchases abroad which I thought might be of interest. Details here:-
I've decided to give it a try. :tup
shirley h wrote:I've already got mine ready to use in corfu if needed :tup
You'll have to let me know what you think of it Shirley as I won't be using mine any time soon as we've had our holiday
luci HT Mod wrote:The Halifax Clarity card gives perfect rates on purchases abroad, the same as the Select card, but you can also withdraw cash on it with perfect rates and no fees or loading. All you pay is the interest which is only 1% a month and less if you pay if off quicker. You also get £5 a month if you spend £300 on it if you have a Rewards current account.
shirley h wrote:If I'm not mistaken, I think it pays some cashback too.
Unlimited cashback – 0.5% on all sterling purchases
shirley h wrote:Hi de Hi, was that a Nationwide cc? Each time I've asked them if I need to let them know I'm going abroad they've told me no. However, that was for using my debit card and I've never had a problem using that in the ATMs.
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