but today there have been more posts connected with the Olympic Games than holiday related matters
But, the Olympic Games ARE holiday related, there's people coming to the UK from all over the world and combining the games with a holiday. There's also people who live further than London who are taking a holiday in the Capital and purchasing tickets to see specific events.
So, what exacty is the purpose of this thread, when there has been for several years threads that didn't really have anything to do with holidays, EG: the slimming thread, which was running for years or whether they wear a bikini bought in Primark or PoundSavers? Those threads were totally irrelevant to me and only just bordering within the criteria of what they think should be posted on HT.
Did those threads bother anyone in the past? It doesn't seem so, but now all of a sudden we have someone questioning what is acceptable and what is not.

Maybe, it would have been an idea to 'introduce' us to Ed the blog writer before letting him out of the cupboard to worry us?
Who was he (Ed) worrying? because he certainly wasn't worrying me, and if a new member wants to start several new threads, what exactly is the problem with that.?
Do people have to get permission from certain people before they can sneeze in this forum?
