when i go into any section of the forum and then click on the back button in my browser to get to the previous viewed page, it does not do anything any more.
the previous page is now showing as http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/for
has someone been playing in the background?can this be remedied?
Nothing like that happening for me jim, all is as normal
Normal here too Jim.
Phil is having a look into this for you, twitter updates java files daily, please can you let us know what browser you are using?
Thanks :-)
when i go into any section of the forum and then click on the back button in my browser to get to the previous viewed page, it does not do anything any more

On IE.
i am on IE8, and only noticed this early this morning.
I've had a quick look and I get the same but only in IE and not in FF.
I'll try and look over the weekend but hopefully if it has started happening recently twitter will update their JS file again to fix the issue. If i don't look this weekend and it is still persisting when I get back from holiday I will look again.
Cheers, Phil
Back button has started working for me again in the last hour or so
My IE8 seems to be working now as well
i think it was to do with Microsoft rather than HT as i was getting this when looking at the Mail online at work, and i have to use firefox at work.

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