Hi Doe
I have a mac and have had two. I used my friends for a couple of hours and was hooked. It has everything you want (well what we wanted) I have never had a virus in 12 years, never had virus protection as never needed it. my daughter used it for her uni work as everything was Mac based there.
I also find that before you delete anything it asks you, files are very easy to find, and it put them in order for you. Everything basically is one click.
They are still expensive but sam did separates meaning no tower that was built it, we bought a monitor, dvd drive etc which is no bigger than a envelope.
Our download speed with virgin is 100mb as we watch a lot of american films and the picture quality is amazing, especially HD.
I am not a tecky by any means but use all the programmes. The back up with apple is very good, so i would recommend getting apple insurance not pc world/currys.