She's coming back because work out there is difficult , she has managed to scrape by the last couple of years but its a struggle , some of her friends have moved on and I think she feels lonely and has nothing to look forward to , she feels her future is very insecure . I also think she is missing having a family around her , my dad died 2 years ago and that obviously makes you feel differently about things , my brother and S in law have just had a baby and she wants to see him grow up , all these things add up I suppose .
What does she know about Spain ? Well I don't go on holiday there and I probably know more
I'd be surprised if she actually knows anyone Spanish ! She lived in Torrevieja. And it's full of ex pats , I did go over to see her a few years ago and we went in her local shop , to get some food and wine , I said a few words in Spanish at the checkout and she asked me why I was speaking Spanish ( it was a poor attempt admittedly ) , " well we're in Spain ! " I said , oh no one here speaks Spanish she replied !!!!!
My mum was moaning to me yesterday that my sister had gone to Spain all those years ago and what had she achieved , she was coming back with nothing , until I reminded her that she went with nothing , and that many people go there with money and bright ideas and dreams and come back having lost even more .
It will be nice to have her back , we can go out for a meal and she's very good at recommending an excellent Rioja , pretty useful at drinking it all too !!!
it's always a lively and fun time when she's around .