We had looked into it but due to technical bits that I wont bore with you we held off. Ill try and have another look!
Thanks +1

Cheers, Phil
now i had to reply to say thanks as we don't have a thanks button

Im sure its only regulars that might think to post a message of thanks?
Maybe we can put it to a vote

I think the thanks button is good for when a post is made where you aren't specifically looking for the information but you appreciate the answer/report/amount of research perhaps done. But you can of course press the thanks button and reply.
Would let the poster know that the stuff they post is actually useful to more than they think!
http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/forum/wouldn-nice-t157148.html?hilit=thanks button forum*
on another DIY that I frequent for tips etc they have exactly this, I don't think at all it stops people posting it's just about showing appreciation and a bit of common courtesy, sometimes our experts on here go the trouble of investigating an awful lot of information and they OP does not even acknowledge it which is not great, and could put the experts off finding out. It may not solve it but it could help.
Yea I def think it would help as you say the expert could take ages finding the right answer a little thanks might make it all worth while
Miss Pink
They don't call me Pinky Sherlock for nothing
A yes from me,it's good to thank people that have taken there time to answer your question and also reading other post I find I pick up information I didn't know I even wanted and would like to thank them as well

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