I have booked 2 seats LHR to BKK on line this morning.
I was using Firefox browser (latest update).
All progressed well, all details - including card all details - were entered, but when I hit the t!t, I just got a blank screen.
Phoned EVA Air customer service and was almost "blamed" for not using IE. Apparently their site is not fully compatible with Firefox! Told by EVA to contact my bank and find out if transaction had been debited and, if so, to cancel it.
Phoned bank, but they were unable to help, the transaction had been fully authorised and processed and, as they couldn't guarantee that EVA hadn't issued the e-tickets, I had to give them (EVA) a fair time, or get them to refund at their end - which is fair enough.
Back on the phone to EVA, and was told that they would try to see what could be done. They could identify my details on their system, but there was a problem and it was not fully ticketed.
I've now had a call from EVA. They are unable to do anything until next week (I believe because there is no IT support staff - It's all handled in Taiwan - and late evening, followed by weekend).
They did say that they would hold two seats.(there was little availability on the dates required)
The situation, therefore is:
1. I've been a naughty boy and not used the correct browser (not that their software is incapable of either recognising or checking browsers or of handling error situations).
2. My card has been debited for a few grand
3. I've spent hours on the phone
4. I have no confidence that this will be resolved speedily
5. I am very hesitant to book other elements of the trip
6. There is no certain resolution yet.
