Thanks leighanne & chelsea boy on the furniture buying guide arround Akyaka. On another issue has anybody found building & contents insurance for their turkish property from any UK insurers or do you have to use Turkish policies? At the moment I have found no company in the
UK who will consider that particular foriegn destination.
I think the easiest option is to get the policy in Turkey, last year we did find a company called HIFX who said thery would insure Turkey, sadly, they seem to have back tracked on that.
You have to have earthquake insurance by law and this is usually part of your buildings policy in Turkey, I don't think the co-op is big on earthquake insurance.
My policy is done through the bank in Turkey, really simple and they renew automatically each year.
Several companies insure in turkey and they are not that expensive. Most banks are now offering health, car and household insurance. My advice is to pick a large well known insurer for peace of mind EG Koc, yapi kredi or Finans Sigorta. All have branches in Marmaris so you can get quotes quite easily.
I would suggest you set aside an afternoon to go round and get a couple of quotes - we had 4 quotes and the annual premium ranged from £120-£300 - So worth shopping around, if you have the time that is!!

I have house insurance with a uk policy with HIFX underwritten by LLoyds of London.
I know somebody else tried to get insurancewith them and was declined,probably because it was an apartment.
My property is a freehold detatched villa. That may be why, i dont know.
Also have full insurance for earthquakes with the policy,
Have you enquired about the claims process with your HIFX policy? As when making claims over a certain amount UK insurance companies will send reps round inspect/assess damage to your property. With your company being UK based can only see this prolonging the claims process with them having to either organise a local rep or sending out one of theirs?
Also what sort of info did you give them b4 they quoted you? As cant see them having much expertise in underwriting Turkish homes - For example what do they know about rebuilding costs in Turkey??
Touch wood that you will never have the need to claim, but you never know!
Have to agree with Leighanne, it seems strange that UK based insurers will underwrite Turkish property especially as they do everything not to pay out. more companies are springing up in Turkey as the market widens with Foreign buyers. Earthquake insurance is a must and the rebuild costs vary from area to area. i would ask your insurer some serious questions and again I hope you are OK
Without getting the policy out i can remember being told that if i make a claim on the policy whilst in Turkey the excess would be about £50. However, if i claim from the UK then this rises i think to £150. For instance, if i had a call from somebody in Turkey to say there was a problem, then i pay the £150excess and this is sortedout. I think i insured for rebuilding at just over 2 thirds of what i paid, which should be more than enough to cover, touch wood should i need to!
I think with insurance they all work in the same way, even some of the big companies in the UK, until the need arises and you have to claim, then you dont really know how well they will perform.
A good point is to read and study all the policy wordings very carefully.
Yes its true with all insurance co - until you claim you dont know how they will perform. However every company does have a claims process in place. Eg, for all flood claims over 1K a loss adjuster will be appointed - I would enquire about what sort of process they have in place?? how would they appoint a loss adjuster in the event of a claim??
I would def ask all these Qs b4 you renew your policy
Many thanks Leighanne,Rimms,chelsea boy & I.Willet for your views and comments on insurance.I think the wise choice for me will be to organise a Turkish policy when I come over in a few weeks.Just befor I sign off, I often hear people talking about winter flights to Dalaman and how conecting flights are usually the next day.But I have found that you can fly from Heathrow on any Sundays to Istanbul and the connection is only 90 minuits later and arrives in Dalaman at 8.30pm. Hope this may be of interest to any would be travellers.
Here is an update of my House Insurance with HIFXin Turkey.
Have just phoned them and asked a few questions. Apparently because of something to do with Turkey trying to join EU, they are no longer able to insure in Turkey. They did write to me back in October, but i never received the letter. They have paid the extra premiums and changed my policy to a big insurer in Turkey called Mille-Re. They are sending all the documents through the post and assure me that i am fully insured.
So, looks like i will be enquiring about changing my policy in Turkey next July. Will approach Garanti in May when i next visit for a quote!
Glad to hear your all sorted now

That was some excuse HIFX come up with though - Because of Turkey joining the EU, still very iffy and if they do join will be at least 15 years!??
I remember when i wanted to transfer some currency and enquired with HIFX - after a week negotiating with them and agreeing rates - they tell me they didnt deal with Lira - I wasnt impressed especially as i doubled checked initially as i had tried lots of other FOREX co's and noboby wanted to touch Lira

I have had to make 2 claims on it, and had no problems at all. I had mine arranged through the agent I bought with, and she just renews it evey year.
We have got to get insurance in turkey -can you please tell me who and where you insured with please

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