We are not long back from Mexico and I used factor 30 ( or 50 sometimes). I have to say that this is the second time running that I have decided to stick with the high factor beyond the first few days and I have definitely got a much better colour. However, there was a large adult family group there ( for a wedding) and no-one used suntan lotions. The ages ranged from early 20s right through to late 70s. A few were really burned the first few days and later on in the holidays they were almost all complaining about losing their colour because they were peeling. I don't understand it. They came from New York so must be used to high temperatures in the summer.
Expats who are in warmer countries- do you have to still put on lotions every day or does your skin just acclimatise eventually?
I don't think you ever acclimatise, a sun tan is a sympton of damaged skin. Australian friends from Perth still apply sun protection factor 30 whenever they go into the sunshine.
When we go to the pool we nearly always stay in the shade other than when we're actually in the pool so don't tend to bother with it there.
We've been back about 45 minutes or so from the beach today but - we didn't go until 4.30pm in the afternoon when it's cooling down. Very nice to go later in the evening.
I had a scare when we were still in UK with a suspicious mole and I told the consultant I always used F15. I got a stern look and informed "there are higher sun factors than that - so use them!" Luckily, when the biopsy from having the mole removed came back all was clear but it's made me think more about when I expose my skin.
Saying that, I never wear a hat... I just can't stand to have one on and find them way too hot, even when we go to Luxor, Egypt in the summer months (July or August as a rule) I still don't wear one. I did put one on for the hot air balloon flight - because I remembered the heat from the burners from my last trip!
Just came back from Mexico this morning. The whole fortnight we were therre we never used anything but F50 and we are all a lovely golden brown. In fact first 2 days my son burnt is shoulders whilst applying F50 regularly thru the day and wearing a T Shirt thru the lunchtime heat. He peeled slightly and is now a lovely golden brown. I would not consider using anything less than F50 in the Mexican heat.
I use F30 nearly all the time and have done so here in the UK these past few weeks.
I once offered a lady some for her daughter who was burnt on her shoulders and legs in Bulgaria a few years ago and you would have thought I was offering her poison and was shooed away.

I have had a friend and a relative who have died of malignant melanoma,one who was a sun worshipper and one who never sun bathed so prefer to be safe in the sun.
A dermatologist told me anything less than 20f is a waste of money.
I totally agree with you Jay Trip... I think anything under F20 is pointless and probably does more harm than good
Sun tan always stops me from burning I find. Though I don't sunbathe sunlight for hours on end. People who put sun tan on then sunbathe in it for about 6 hours can expect to be burned
I even use Malibu Dry Oil (SPF 20) at home or just walking around. It saves headaches when you ain't not got a lot of thatch.
I always apply in my room and wait a few minutes then go out in the sun , often I see people on their sunbeds who lie in the sun for half an hour or more , who then try to elegantly apply their warm and runny suncream and miss half their body or spray aimlessly with most of the protection up in the air .
I think you do acclimatise to some extent. My husband is from Turkey and when we lived out there he never used cream and was always dark from the sun, however he never actually lay in the sun at any point. Now when we go on holiday he has to use sun cream or he will burn. I didn't always use cream when I was living there either, only if I was going to the beach or was going to be out for the day but I am dark skinned too.
I think anyone who goes on holiday to a hot country and doesn't use sun cream is very stupid.
Even with the wonderful summer we have had here, I don't think I had the time or inclination to just lie in it and do nothing as there is always so much better to be doing.
I do agree you acclimatise to a certain extent but I would be burnt in no time if I wasn't to use any or moved below a factor 20. I remember in the old days people used to move down factors over their holiday until they reached about a factor 2 but I honestly don't think it makes the slightest difference by staying on a high factor for those who actually want a tan. I do like to get some colour but burning is not the way to go.

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