This happened to us at Christmas on our last dive trip...but we had no idea it was happening..
This official looking bloke wearing all the badges etc and looking like security got hold of me and Rob and told us to follow we did. We had no idea where we were going or what it was about..we thought we were in trouble or were just targetted for a random search..we often get that becuase of how some of the more technical dive gear is wernt overly concerned.
He then dumped us somewhere else in another queue that was not really any much nearer the front that the one we had been dragged from and then demanded money. Rob told him where to get off...and then this guy kept holding out his hand in front of me and saying something like "but i get you to frong of queue..tip tip". Rob told him we never asked to be moved and said his f*** off several times a bit firmer. The man then decided not to mess with Rob, who is a huge bloke and left us.
We were in this queue just as long and the queue were taken out of got through quicker. Just another s c a m I am afraid.
Got to hand it to them for trying though. Maybe they should try actually making thier system more efficient instead...