I`m hoping you can help.. grovel .. grovel
I am just about to lose the will to live and have made numerous phone calls and can`t seem to find the answers to my questions.
We have just booked 8 days to Chicago travelling out in 19th Aug (with Finnair / US Airways and this is fine.
Coming back on 28th Aug we fly American Airlines flight 242 from O`Hare to Dusseldorf and then Flybe 7214 into Manchester (booking was made via Expedia and is all on one ticket)
I have managed to find out that our luggage will come straight through from Chicago to Manchester (I hope it will), but am having problems knowing how we check in and get boarding passes for the Flybe flight
I have been told: By Expedia that:
We have to check in with Flybe when we get to Dusseldorf
Then was told we have to check-in with American Airlines at O`hare and they will check us in the Flybe flight and issue boarding passes and seats
I said if possible I would check in online but was then told if I manage to check-in on line then I might get boarding passes for Flybe or I might not
I rang Flybe and he said its two different airlines and two different flights I would have to recheck my luggage etc..in Dusseldorf (I know I don`t have to do this)
Finally I rang Americal Airlines and they said I would not be able to check in with Flybe online or at O`hare with them as its a different airline!!!

I am so utterly confused (wish I hadn`t booked these flight now)
Please, please can you help? All I need to know is how do we check in and get boarding passes for Flybe flight from Dusseldorf to Manchester?
Thank you (hope this waffle makes sense)