Climbing Dunns River Falls is a must – I swim like a brick and am well into my 60’s – and yet I managed to climb it. The guide is amazing since he carries everyone’s cameras around his neck and takes photos for you all the way up.
Downhill mountain biking excursion in the Blue Mountains is quite gentle, very safe, and lots of fun.
Rafting is really good fun also, I did it way over in Port Antonio, where it’s not too busy and it’s a really good long journey down the river.
I would NOT recommend the trip to Kingston. It shows the truly horrible side of Jamaica, lots of razor wire, horrible slums, and most places you are not allowed to leave the coach because it simply is not safe for tourists.
A walk around Ocho Rios fills in a pleasant morning. If you go with a guide you will be sheparded into the tourist malls which have been built for Americans.
If you go by yourself you will see more and – I found – enjoy it more.
However DO read the guide books before you go walking around. Mine advised “Do NOT go south of the clock tower”. Foolishly I ignored this, and wandered around alone taking photos for a while – until I was surrounded by a gang of quite unpleasant youths who were quite threatening. Not a pleasant experience.
Beware the Jamaican drug culture. Just about everywhere you go you will be offered drugs – even in very public areas, even where there are police around! And don’t even think about buying – on your return to the UK almost every tourist from Jamaica is carefully checked with sniffer dogs.