In september we are going aborad for the first time with the baby. Well actually first time with kids. 4 adults, 2 toddlers and a 4 month old.
We've booked our flights and reserved our seats (6 plus babe in arms) I'm just wondering what the deal is with pushchairs?
Do you need to pre book them with the airline? Do they go in the cabin or hold? are they included or on top of your baggage allowance?
I'm looking at getting a second hand lightweight stroller, but my sister is talking about taking the double buggy?
Any advice much appreciated.
First time we took our son abroad I took a pram-pushchair complete with sun canopy and rainwear,I would make sure that you take something that is comfortable enough for your child to take a nap in so one that will recline,then maybe he/she will doze in the evening and you can have a peaceful drink.It is not included in your weight allowance and will be taken from you as you board the plane if you want to keep it with you until then,it goes in the hold.T.
I havr travelled with babies abroad and you dont have to include them with luggage or inform them. Just use a nice comfy one they can sleep in so you are not restricted if you want to take them out at night.
I noticed on our last holiday plane tickets(Thomsons in December) that my 1 year old granddaughter for the first time had a 10kg luggage allowance. I queried this and was told it was for the buggy, she was not allowed to take a case.
Best to check with whoever you are travelling with just to be safe.
We got a cheap lie back buggy which has now been to Egypt 3 times, Cuba and Mexico as well as daily use for a couple of years, and still works, however they are often mistreated by baggage handlers.
You do need the lie back facility for the evenings, even in the dining room the mites go to sleep sometimes after a hectic day.
You have two options, you can either book the buggies in with the luggage or you can get a luggage label and take them to the plane, handing them over at the last minute as you board. It can be a bit unsettling as there is sometimes an unmanned area for you to leave them in as you go to the plane, so it is always a relief when they appear at the other end!
We used a small lie back from Argos for ease of storage and carrying, but other people have had much larger monsters.
Icoo Pushchair instead of second hand lightweight stroller as they are not at good condition.When I traveled abroad I took Icoo Pushchair which I bought from icoobaby.co.uk to carry my baby .It made my trip comfortable .
Hello friend.Firstly I wish all the good luck for your trip.I would suggest you to have
Icoobaby1 Those pushchairs are really expensive! Much better with a cheap lie back one - then it doesn't matter too much if it breaks/gets pinched off carousel (believe me this does happen)
My daughter recommends you get a cover for your pushchair,when hers came off the plane last year,it was so dirty and oil on it.
I agree with Denny, best thing is an umbrella buggy, can't go far wrong with McClaren, they served us very well. Easy to transport but sturdy and comfortable enough for a baby/child to sleep in if need be. Wouldn't have been without ours!!
I agree with getting an umbrella buggy. Just get a cheap one for travelling that folds down quickly and easily so that when you are ready to board you are not struggling and holding up the queue! I managed to get a really nice one off ebay last year for £25, will be using it for this years holiday too. Also very handy for carting all the towels, bags, beach balls, rubber rings, arm bands, beach mats, cooler bag...need I go on...when you go to the beach
GoodBaby Pockit+ which is really small and can be carried like a handbag. I got one when it came out and it's really brilliant, perfect for travelling
To make things easier for you, there's the 
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