So my husband and I want to take my daughter and her boyfriend abroad next July. Daughter will be 16 and boyfriend will be 17. They want to have their own hotel room. Just been pricing up and it’s cheaper to pay for 4 adults instead of two adults and two kids.
Question is can I do this? Or will the hotel check when we get there? Or when I put passport details in online will they notice the booking will be for 4 adults?
I think you need to be sure about
what, if anything, the boyfriend is paying
getting written permission from his parents to cover him going and you having authority to make decisions in an emergency
the need to have the discussion now about what would happen if they split up before or during the holiday and the financial issues which could arise
are his parents happy about the rooming arrangements
but there is also the legal context given that they are both minors ie under 18 and you night find that when you produce everybodies' passports for registration that they insist on each sharing with an adult over 18. Who actually sleeps in each bed is up to you but you might need to be very discreet about that?
Regarding the age of the boyfriend you will have to obtain written permission from his parents/guardian.
Somewhere on HT there is a template letter for this. You might not consider it important but in the event of something going wrong it is then you will need it. You must also ensure that he has his own insurance and at that age it covers for adventurous activities. In theory should you not be able to produce the letter at the airport you could be refused boarding or entry at your destination.
The child must have their own insurance and the insurance company need to be aware they are not travelling with their parents.
Please also look here.
I/We,.................................................................. ...........,
declare that I/we am/are the lawful Guardian/s of
....................................................., male/female, born
................................., at.(birth place)........................who
has a UK passport numbered ................................., which was issued
on .................................. at.....................................
My/Our child, .................................................., has my/our
consent to travel
(address)............................................,who has a UK passport
numbered .............................., which was issued on
.................................. at ........................
My/Our child is traveling to ..............................................
from the........ ......until .........,........ and will be staying
My/Our child will be leaving on ........................., and returning on
July ..........................
In the event that our child requires emergency medical treatment and we cannot
be reached,
.......................................................... is authorized to
consent to medical treatment in our stead. Any questions regarding this
document may be addressed to us at:
Home Telephone: ..............................................
Work Telephone: ...............................................
Mobile Telephone: .............................................
This letter needs both your details and those of the child and their
parents.....think this would satisfy passport control and cover for emergency
treatment etc.....

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