The trouble is, we tend to take more care of our skin when holidaying abroad when the reality is, we do more damage walking to and from the school and/or shops on a daily basis at home, even on cloudy days.
Hi Sarah
Sorry I have to agree to disagree with you here, short exposure to the sun is vital for the body to make Vitamin D, it only needs around 15mins short exposure sessions several times a week and it is actually bad for your health to not have any sun exposure, especially children, Vitamin D makes strong bones as well as other things and it's the UVB rays that the body needs to synthesize this process....we make the shortfall up in food.
The sun is not at its intensity at 8.30 am and it's probably the safest time to go out in should be starting to cool down at 4pm.
However, I think you are perfectly correct in saying that we do not take care in this country, we become lackadaisical and I think more damage is done during the height of the summer during the school holidays when kiddies are out playing all day long.
Office workers who go and eat their lunch in the local park soaking up the sun without protection are also the future victims.
I was reading the statistics a couple of weeks ago on the Cancer Research website and the number of NEW cases of skin cancer that are being diagnosed are leading me to believe that they are the people of my generation who were fairly ignorant to the dangers of the sun and sunbeds, or it is people who are still ignoring these warnings...... considering the education and warnings that have been highly publicised, then there really should be no excuse if the latter is the case.
One of my old school friends died of skin cancer at the age of 48, the sun/sunbed had been her god for as far back as I can remember, she always looked great, had a good figure and was always immaculately turned out, even to go the dumpit site,

I like a bit of colour just like the rest of us, but I can get the healthy glow from just being sensible and walking around the resort, rather than cooking like a beach whale...if I go on the beach, I spend more time under the parasol than out of it these days and the hubby can't figure out that I just want to be in the fresh air and looking at the sea ( I have a thing about the sea, I'm a piscean)

The tan I now tend to get is a slow one and one that stays for longer, what I mean by that is, I have gone on holiday out of season when the sun has been hot, but not at its highest and intensity....the first sign of feeling hot, then I'm out of it and consequently I have never burnt, which means skin damage and peeling.
My DIL hates the sun, she is milk bottle white and burns within minutes, she also has an oily skin and is prone to blemishes, but I keep telling her that she will look better than me, when she reaches 60.
Like Judith, I wish we'd had the fake tans that are now on the market and been fully aware about the dangers of the sun and sunbeds.
Just my opinion.
Sanji x