never seen anyone playing cards i do have to say...usually the poilcy i think titan use is theres a seat rotation eg if you sit at the front 1st day the next day you might move 2 rows back so by the end of the trip you do a full circle of the people around you espically oppisite will change from day to day,its a fair way to do it so people dont hog the front seats all the way on tour,the tour guide usually on the mic alot saying things and tellling stories and at other times leaves in peace for a bit of rest,it all depends on the mix of the people how the tour goes,theres always the dour people who wont say alot ,but you will meet a few lovely people who you will get on great with and may keep contact after the trip has ended,usually the people who smoke get on well the most beacause there off the coach as quick as possible after 2 hrs without one,and form there little smokers group,the last trip we did with titan as well,you all sat together on the plane as well,and the tour manager was there with you might make new friends on the flight over..
Casual is the order of the day,for most of the trip you will be very warm LA,san diego all the way to vegas will be lovely,may need some jeans and a jacket for the yosomite and san francisco,but overall dont pack too much warm weather clothes weather will be lovely,other half maybe some trousers for a night,but no need to go over the top....
when you look at the trip got a few one night stops...and a few 2 nights....all we do is for the one night stops when the case comes from the coach just take out the next days clothing (usually for me shorts and t-shirt,maybe trackie bottoms) then just put the old clothes you wore either in a plastic bag or a seperate part of the case,because your traveling day to day you living out the suitcase not really worth unpacking case,
just my views this,but if you need or want to ask any questions please ask anytime.