hi niki, we had our first holiday at this hotel and could not recomend it enough, the entertainment team were brilliant, plenty to do , cami and nora, were excellent team players, do the water aerobics ty chi, it is very good, food different every day, their is a shop but i dont know if you can get soya milk there, what we did if you have teenager children is buy a big bottle of coke from the shop and they drank it in the eveing, mind you we had three teenagers to water? but the rooms are really nice too, the air conditioning is good if left on all night. if you want the patio doors open the air conditioning shuts off, so we took the conector off the door, hey presto it worked all the time then. you do have to pay for your safety deposit box. about fourty euros i think? as for putting down your towels yes it is worth it but there is plenty of beds for everyone. once again have a lovely time and dont get sunburned. oh i forgot to say the coach journey does take a while as it is the last hotel on the island. but a good one at that. as for the teenagers yes they do get bored but they will meet others so hang in there, they only say it for the first couple of days as they havent made new friends yet. there is a marina down the road it is a bit of a walk so get the train. plus you can eat at other hotels if you like, i dont think you will though. julie.