oooh you KNOW you shouldnt have asked that question.......
39 days 12 hours exactly,
that is........948 hours
or 56880 minutes (or) 3412800 seconds
We are flying out on the 3rd of June, Kittys birthday, and we are having a special birthday dinner booked at The Windmill, I cant wait I am soooo excited. Aghia Parevski looks lovely, will probably try the beach, btu theres so many and we only have a week
I have some plans, will do a ncie boat trip try and see some of the marine life, also spending an afternoon horse riding, Kittys been riding for almost 2 years now but shes never seen me ride so we will get to spend a couple of hours riding together yey!!
Apart from that have no plans other than to enjoy our week.
Give me some tips pleease what should we do???