Hello lolaanne* Well where do you start I had a look at the reports for this hotel on this forum only, and although they were old they did not seem that bad to me. If you look at most reports on hotels in Malta you will find that the chef in most cases puts your meat on the plate for some resson, they did this when we stayed a the Park Hotel (Sliema) with this you just say that you are not on a diet or put another slice on.
Entertainment, most hotels in Malta again seem to put the same thing on, and it is never much good although someone will tell of one or two that do have a good show on.
You don't say what your worry is about the hotel, but remember that you are only there mostly to sleep, the one thing you should do if you still go there if you do have any problems go strait to hotel desk with them not you tour rep as they can and should sort them out for you.
The last thing when going on holiday it pays to get a good guide book and read up on the area, its all part of the build up to the holiday.
Some places for a visit you could look at my peace (A bit of history) on this forum and remember you can do most of them on the local bus and save money, don't give it to the tour rep as they will rip you of

Hope this is of some help