Hi, Have you thought about diy. You could book flights and then choose an apartment or villa to suit your family size. You only pay for the apartment price not per person.
I would certainly recomend having a look at diy.
Some of the larger villas will be expensive but if you look around, you will certainly find some catering for 6 at a reasonable price.
DIY is the way to go - a similar holiday to the one we've booked this year would have cost £4700 with Thomson - we've paid £1508 - just a bit of a difference (we're a family of 2 adults & 3 kids). We're travelling in school hols as well so £1508 is pretty good!
I am with the others on DIY. We are doing it for the first time this year, and I only wish I had the information years ago when we took four children with us. In those days we had to search for a two bedromed apartment, and book early, because not all complexes have them

Our accommodation worked out a lot cheaper doing it DIY as you are charged for the apartment only - and we got really good Easyjet flights (great times) by booking them early!! No under occupancy supplements

If you want to give it a go this way theres loads of advice and support on here, and you can post in the DIY section with anything you are not sure about.
I think its a great way for a large family like yourselves.

Also agree about doing it DIY. I did it last year for family of 5 and again this year for 3, saving over £1000 this year on a two week break in Summer Hols. If you want to tell me where & when you are wanting to go, for how long and which airports you can fly from, ages of children, also if you want apartment or Hotel I can doing a bit of searching and see what prices I come up with which you can compare with travel agents and I'm sure a lot of other people as well can guide you through the process if you feel scared attempting it yourself. Karen
thanks tras37
Sorry couldn't get back to you sooner but have been at work all day and then had visitors. It is a bit early to check for cheap flights for Aug 06 as there is not a lot of them out yet. I will have a quick check for you tomorrow night and see what I can find. Karen
Had a look at regular airline prices for next year but they are over £200 each. My suggestion to you is register with easyjet, flybe, bmibaby etc to receive alerts and offers and you will get notified of when their flights for next summer are out which is usually about Christmas time. Going by this years prices H/B in two rooms for 2 weeks in Hotel would cost about £1500 max and flights about £600 for everyone, so you can work out if it is cheaper than you normally pay. Karen

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