I have been reading your reviews on the Sickeness is the Domincan, I have booked to go there But the story goes .... i went there 2 years ago and i fell really ill i couldn't get out of bed for 3 days whilst there and was suffering from really bad chest pains. I managed to get the flight home and then straight off to the doctors He thought i had a blood clot on my Lung, so an ambulance was called.... to cut the story short i had loads of test it turned out i had picked up a virus which attacked the lining of my heart After 12 weeks off work, got back on with life. Well back in december we decided to rebook for the dominican, but after reading your reviews i want to cancel, BUT Thomson says i cant, what can i do ???????
I cant risk going there with this virus lurking about
I often wonder how many bouts of sickness and stomach problems are actually down to excessive consumption rather than hygiene related. Having been on a couple of AI holidays (typical of the DR) I'm amazed how people gorge on the buffets, drink copious amounts of beers and spirits from 10am, lay in the hot sun, jump around in the pool - then are surprised that they have an upset stomach and feeling sick!
It sounds like you had a very taste experience last time - but as you have already booked, I'll personally look forward to your upcoming holiday and chill and enjoy the break.
If it was really bad then I'm sure Thomson wouldn't send you there.
And she was .
I am not surprised the travel agent will not allow you to cancel. If you are really worried and do not want to go maybe you could suggest to the travel agent that you transfer to another destination, although no doubt this will incur further charge to you.
Good luck however it goes.
Take all the necessary jabs and medication . Eat drink and be merry in moderation and you will be just fine. We married there 8 years ago and the number of people moaning about illness amazed me. When we asked, none had bothered to go to doctors for jabs!!!.
Went to Domincan a couple of years ago. my husband suffered from a stomach problem, one of the locals told us it was due to the fact they cook in coconut oil and it does not mix well with malaria tablets. They advised us to put sliced lime in boiling water, after 24 hrs Ian was fine.
If you go onto the beach the pedlers will ask you to buy their carvings if there is something you like buy it, as when you go into the shopping malls they are three times the price for the same thing.
Have a good hoilday Jenxxx
Don't try local Spicy dishes if you know you have a sensitive palet. You would be suprised how many people don't do these things and then come home telling everyone who will listen what a terrible place the domincan is.
I'm sure you will have a fab time.
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