Unfortunately i am one of those holiday makers that always suffers with cramps and the runs whilst on holiday. I am also fed up with going to the chemist/Doctor and paying excesses. So this morning i went to my own GP and she gave me some tablets to get rid of the cramps, and some Dioralyte to replace lost salt in my body.
My advice is go see your GP and don't bother paying out for Imodium that sometimes doesnt work, get the correct medication for your symptoms.
Michelle,I think you can but Dioralyte over the counter at our chemists rather than pay prescription prices for future reference.
My sister's brother in law is a gut doctor and he says coke ie in coca cola or pepsi (High quality brands) kills all bugs known to man put a little sugar in to kill the gas, and drink as much as you can, I hate coke but it does work give it a try regards Gill
When you say cramps, do you mean stomach cramps? The pain that comes along with having the runs?
Or do you mean muscle cramps?
If its a bad case of holiday tum, fluid and mineral replacement sachets are a good idea. Giving your tum a rest for a day or so by just drinking fluids will help too. And the advice given re drinking coke also a good idea too. If you need help with the tum pain and you can't be near a toilet for the day, a painkiller with codeine in it will give some relief.
If you are getting muscle cramps, usually in the lower half of the leg, again extra fluids will help and eating a banana will too. Hope this helps you.
Tummy cramps is what i am talking about sorry. I get my scrpts free so didnt need to buy them over the counter as on FTC. Having paid a fortune in Egypt in June, i wasnt going to take any chances.
I know what you mean, script prices are awful. But thats off topic. The pain from tummy bugs has to be one of the worst. I have IBS sometimes and if I do get food poisoning, it can be so painful. A mild painkiller usually helps. My suitcase is usually full of medicines and first aid supplies. Goodness knows what they think when they xray it!!! Better to be safe than sorry
I am with us Dizzy i also have IBS maybe that is why i suffer so much? My case is always packed with stuff, and the thing is...i use them as well, talk about talking the kitchen sink

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