Hey lin!! My mom bought me some of the indian style shoes back in Jan and i started a trend they werent very popular she paid about £4 i think and now everyone has got them on!!!
Hi Jade, just about everyone is wearing indian sandals, and my authentic ones are very much admired,, To anyone who hasn't been before, wait till you get there to buy sandals and kaftan/beach cover ups, and don't even think about buying a sarong before you go.
i agree lin ,,buy when there ..just look on ebay its flooded with indian fashion .i would have probaly bought off there , but going to goa has seen how cheap these things are ,just wish i had got more inscence burners ,,you just can not have enough lol
I actually bought a pair of indian style shoes yesterday, my old man couldn't beleive that i bought them here, In my defence they were "unusual" and had my name on them.
During the good weather i've been sitting round the back sippin' one of my last remaining bottle of HoneyBee and surrounded by jasmine insense sticks, have got orders to bring some back with me.

Looks like it is cloths for CWT going out and and sandles, sarongs, incence sticks and honeybee coming back
You've got the right idea. Take nothing except what you are willing to give away and buy everything you need when you get there.
Cheap as chips and no problem with the baggage allowance.

Talking of packing, just finished packing for a 2 week camping trip to Normandy, I commented to steve (hubby) that he's taking more than twice as much clothing than when we go to Goa

Thanks for thinking about bringing clothes over for the kids... We currently after chidlrens clothes (preferably) between the ages of 3 and 10, obviously we will surely find a home for anything we are brought, but that would be the best age range at the moment. Last year we got LOTS of under 1's (I guess that's because everyone buys things for babies and they grow out of the so quickly)... Other things we are interested in are educational items, things to do books, science/nature books (they should be realatively simple books as English is their second language and they've mostly not had much schooling).. Building games or craft things would also be good (just to give you and others an idea...) Please do not buy things specially though, good seconds are fine. If anyoe wants to buy things then items can probably be bough in India cheaper (especailly when it comes to pens, pencils, paper etc)...

Hopefully extra baggage allowence will be allocated, but if not i'm sure steve wont mind buying more trousers and tops out in Goa, he usually does a turn around with his wardrobe when we are there, leaves the clothes he takes out for friends and the lads in the hotels and bring back the new ones ready for our summer


But like I said I'm sure we can get rid of things as I've dropped clothes off with the rag pickers (mainly adults) who are more than happy to take the new clothes...

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