Hi there, hope someone will be able to help; we HAD booked a 2 week holiday at the barcelo las perlas in Cancun departing 18th Sept for my family of 7 and my freinds family of 3. On Wednesday we were informed by our travel agent that, because of damage to the hotel caused by hurricane Emily, they had moved our hotel to another; this confussed me as an aquaintance had been in the same hotel as we were due to go to during the hurricane and said the only damage was a smashed window, which was repaired while she was there, she had told me also that the hotel had been used to accomodate people coming away from the island of cozumel and from playa del carmen area, that had been damaged by Emily. I had also booked excersions on the web, so emailed the providers to explain we needed to change our bookings, one of these actually took a drive out to the BLP and, guess what? no damage and fully functioning. Whilst I was on line I discovered that the alternative accomodation they were offering was not only on the lagoon side, when we had booked a beach front hotel, but features in the escapades brouchure - an 18-30 style thing, and only accepts 18-35 year olds, we have young children and adults with learning disabilities as part of out party, so, obviously was not suitable.
Next morning, armed with this information, and copies of the emails stating the hotel was fully operational, we went to the travel agent hoping to either still go to the BLP or a Suitable alternative; After waiitng on the phone for an hour the customer services dept, they changed their mind and said it was a lack of services that stopped them sending us there but this had been caused by the hurricaine not actual damage as they had first said, however we could still not go there or anywhere else other than there selected hotel - the 18-30's one; they said they did not operate it as an adults only hotel, so the fact that someone else operates it as that was unimportant and that they only legally have to offer 1 alternative or a refund and that is what they were doing, and then hung up.
After a further 55 minutes wait we got back through to customer services - explaining again the make up of the party - wheelchair user, and 2 adults with learning disabilities, and how unsuitable the alternative hotel would be, and asking if there was any other alternative we could be accomodated in; this time they said that all the accomodation we suggested, that was at a similar price in the brouchure to our choice, was all 'off sale' 3 properties in total were unavailable or fully booked, the only one they said that could accomodate us was a 5star top hotel, that would cost us an extra £2500! No negotiating would help they just kept saying 'well cancel then'; As we had booked 16 months earlier, yes we did get a good deal - and we never leave it till last minute to book holidays, as for such a large family with special needs, it is much more costly and difficult to do it this way- but with nothing else to be done, and first choice only offering silly alternatives to their non-excuse for cancelling our original agreement, we have been forced to cancel and take a last minute offer, through Airtours, costing a few hundred pound more but not as suitable for kids as the BLP.
I am so upset at the way FC have dealt with us, just appathetic and unhelpful, but the way they just lied and then changed their story- I had a contract with them for 16 months and they just changed it from a beach side hotel to a lagoon side 18-30's hotel, or cancel knowing that we had paid almost £300 less than they had been selling the same property at in their last edition brouchure, so we could hardly afford to do this. If I had decided that I had read bad reveiws about the hotels services and wanted to change or cancel because of it, I would have had to pay them to change hotels, or loose my deposit if I cancelled but I get a like it or lump it when they change my plans, no help and no compensation. Surely this is wrong? Do I not have any rights? and why are they lying?
If anyone has any advice please let me know. Thanks
Giver her a ring on 01922 621114 her advice is free.
Good luck, but I am not sure how you will stand now that you have cancelled the holiday.
Let us know how you get on.
Kath HT Admin
With all respect to this and other posters can we please stop saying that 'TO' lied. No they did not. The person at the other end is doing a job as with anyone else. They do not lie. They may tell you something that you later find out is incorrect but then sometimes it is more sensible. In this case they have said damage caused by the hurricane. If the water supply is compromised then it is correct. The fact that no damage is visible to you or a friend does not make the reason given a lie. Please remember that the people to whom you talk are just employees and do as they are told by senior management. If people think what they say first then it will stop a lot of upset and may even result in you getting a more sympathetic response. No I do not work for a TO but my experience in customer service is such that the person who shouts and screams is the one who will get only what the rules say. The person who talks sensibly will always get that bit more help.
Often the non-superfical damage is what causes the problems. Although the broken windows are quickly mended and the visable damage on the beach/around the pool tidied up, it is the issues behind the scenes that can be difficult to repair quickly - such as the water purification systems, sewage drainage, etc. It is these things that the H&S experts normally check out and will only sanction and approve a clean bill of health once checks and audits complete.
I know that it must be such a disappointment for your holiday plans to be altered - and I am sure First Choice will do their upmost to accommodate your wishes if you are unhappy with what was offered. I am sure that they also take no joy in changing your holiday - but am equally sure that they have done so only to keep your party safe and well and to protect holiday experience.
I did hope people may be able to offer helpful advice, not moan about me being upset at the way I have been treated
I assune from your post that you've been offered the Caribbean Princess, just as we were; I'm not going to go over old ground, but you may wish to read my trip report & hotel review.
Certainly there were escapades customers there when we were, but they were very unhappy; the management was making them all sign a sheet detailing the standards of acceptable behaviour, 2 strikes & they were out on the street. In addition, when they returned from the clubs or wherever, they were escorted to their rooms by security staff, so no silly behaviour.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, I'm just agreeing that it is short notice, as it was with us, but that the Caribbean Princess is not a bad option should you choose to accept it. Either way, good luck.
I feel for you and I know exactly what you mean. I also started a post looking for help as my tour operator changed my flight times which due to my son having Autism meant I had to cancel the holiday.
A couple of posters answered my plea for help with less than helpful posts which in my view was unneccesary. My view is that if you can't offer any help then don't post the negative posts are unhelpful and just add insult to injury.
My case was resolved via trading standards so my adivse would be to contact your local trading standards to see if they can help. My local standards office was extremely helpful and helped me to get a full refund I felt I was due.
Good luck.

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