Spain - Costa Del Sol/Gibraltar Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Costa Del Sol.
I'm sorry to hear that your friend is worried about the let she has booked but I really don't think that she'd have a problem, even if she got there and found that the office was closed or something. I gather that there are hundreds, if not thousands of properties that people are trying to let and have been standing empty for most of the season. When I was over there in July the local newspaper was saying that agents were finding it hard ot find tenants for long and short lets and they were lucky if they'd managed to let 25% of their properties by the end of the season. I bet if she walked into a letting agency they'd fall over themselves to find her something.

Perhaps she has already paid for the four weeks which is why she's getting upset and I can see why. If she hasn't then I don't think it will be a problem to find somewhere else.
Would it be normal to have to pay 'upfront'?
i,m so sorry for your friend, but you do have to pay up front with most places, or at least a months rent,which is what she,s done.i have an apartment vacant for those dates but it is in torrequebrada,but she has paid up front .there are some evil so and so,s out there and i hope they fall on their faces.i,m sure they knew that they had probs when they took her money,i hope her all the best. :x
Like other posts, the question is has she paid any money over to this company? If yes then it may be a problem but maybe it could just be a case that this company shut down for August as this is a bad time for Real Estate as the legal system almost closes for the holidays.

If she has not paid anything or even just a small deposit then she will be fine. Like people have stated, lots of available properties for rent with many people having friends who have apartments in good areas(yes, me included!!)

It is a pity she has booked through a real estate agent because she will have paid a small fortune compared to if she had gone direct. I know that she probably doesnt know anyone in this area but real estate agents sell property, so with the Costa del Sol saturated at the moment, they are trying to make money whichever way they can.
but until you own or have rented privately,we learn the hard way, thats where the forum comes in handy,you learn from other people,s think by renting wih an agent you are safe ,hopfully it was not ment to be and will find somthing better.
Hooray!!!! Contact has been made and the holiday is on.
Glad to hear it brodev, no more tears now!!

Glad to hear that contact has been made.

There are very few 'cowboy' Agents now on the Costa del Sol. Yes there are some but the majority are hard working people who are trying to make a living like you and I.

Personally, I have never had a problem with the rental agents I have used.

Hope your friend enjoys the holiday.
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