My holiday experience with Travel City Direct :
Checkin at Gatwick was a mess, the Travel City checkin area was to small and with the broken luggage belt system we had to lug our cases ( after being weighed ) from the crowded checkin area to another area.
On returning on a delayed Air Atlanta flight which Travel City use from Orlando Sanford and arriving at Gatwick we then had to wait over 2 hours for baggage to be unloaded by Serviceair.
The taxi we had arranged to collect us before going on holiday would not wait due to the extended delay. The taxi service told us they we would have to pay for another taxi.
The baggage services ( Serviceair ) at Gatwick Airport are a joke.
The other disappointment was that I paid for seating so my family could sit together but on the return flight we found that we were split up, even though we had arrived at the checkin 3.5 hours prior to the stated departure. The flight cabin crew were unable to sort this out.
The TV screen situated at the front of the aircraft cabin was a total waste of time unless you were seated at the front or extremely tall.
Just to note, I had already lost a deposit with Travel City for a changed flight day that I had to make even though the flight change was made within a fews days of the booking and was at least 6 months prior to the flight.
So travelling with Travel City has been a mess, Checkin, Baggage collection delays, Flight delays and Pre-paid seating that did not happen, as well as the so-call entertainment ( TV ) on the aircraft.
At the end of the day who should take responsibility for all this.....Travel City, but guess what they never replied to my complaint.
Everyone I have spoken with that have used Travel City have experienced delays with flights so if you are taking the kids on holiday be warned.
They also seem to only use Air Atlanta for flights between the UK to Florida so it's pot luck on the age of the aircraft.
Prior to going on holiday I had a number of travel agents say that they would match the price of Travel City, although their advertised flights were more expensive at the time. " I will do that next time "
So it's worth getting a quote from TravelCity and shopping around.
"Remember they are cheap and you get cheap"
felt sorry,for all the people with children!!
The poster who says the travel agent could match travel city i would be interested to know which one as several told us no way could they match their prices.
When we got to Gatwick, we were delayed for only 2 hours as there was a problem with the plane. When we boarded, we were told there would be no in-flight entertainment. Looking around the plane, it was obvious why. A crew member told me that the plane we were on was usually only used for Europian cargo flights and had only recently had the seats installed. At least we had more legroom than most though, even if the seats were right next to a blocked, stinking toilet where the crew had to regularly spray air freshener to try to hide the smell.
On arrival, at approx 18:30, the car pick up went without a hitch except for the queue, and off we drove to the TCD welcome center to pick up our villa keys. When we found the office we were told we then had to go to the property managemant office at another location to pick up the keys, which meant another map reading exercise in the dark. We found the office and collected our envelope from a lock box, with yet more directions to the location of our villa. By the time we found the vila we were all exremely tired and fell into bed.
The next morning, we had a good look at the 'executive' villa. Yeah, right! There was NOTHING executive about the villa. TCD advertise their executive villas as a "superior quality" to other operators.
The patio doors wouldnt open properly till we fixed them.
There were wires poking out of 2 of the bedroom walls.
A socket outlet coverplate fell off, exposing bare electric wires in the living room.
The pool had dead things in it.
The air conditioning vents were covered in dirt and there was rubbish strewn around the outside. There were no local amenities and we were miles from anywhere.
On our original booking we were told we would be in Clear Creek. This was not the case! I know that the villas are 'allocated on arrival' but this was taking the mickey. (no pun intended)
We went back to the property manegemant office to complain and try to be relocated. We explained to the staff that we didnt think our villa was up to 'executive' standard only to be told that none of the Villas at Town Center were Executive and that we would have to go back to the TCD welcome center to try and get relocated.
We went there and they said they would send a representative round to look at the villa.
When the 2 reps came, they took pictures of the inside of the villa and agreed that the state of the pool, vents and outside was "unacceptable"
Off they went to speak to their bosses to see about moving us. We heard nothing from them that day so I rang them the next morning to be told that "in our opinion the villa is of an executive standard and we wont be relocating you. We will send a cleaner round to clean the villa and a pool man to clean out the pool". The pool man came the next day. He poured a bottle of fluid into the pool, told us not to go in the water for at least an hour, and left. No sign of a cleaner for the villa though.
We got on with the holiday and the wedding went ahead as planned.
On departure day, Sat 25th Sept. we werent flying untill the late evening so we went to the Property Management office to try to get an extended stay till 4pm. The staff member informed us that the airport would be closing at 6pm, due to hurricane Jeanne so our flight was cancelled, ruining connection schedules for 2 of our party who live outside the UK.
OK, this couldnt be helped as no-one has control of the weather. We were told to stay in the villa till the hurricane had passed and we knew when our flights would be leaving.
We had no contact from TCD whatsoever.
On the Monday, once Jeanne had passed, I rang TCD and eventually got through at lunchtime. I was told that our flight would be leaving at 21:45 that evening so we planned to stay in the villa till 4pm and then go to the airport. At 14:00 who should turn up but the cleaner. Only 14 days late, but hey, we were going home. She told us that we had to get out of the villa immediately as there were people moving in that evening and she had to clean. Oh, how I laughed at that one!.
We quickly packed and left and made our way to the airport. We spoke to one passenger who was told on Sat by TCD that her flight to Birmingham had been cancelled. When she had arrived at the airport on the Monday, she was informed that her flight had actually flown on the Saturday and they would try to fit them on our plane, to Gatwick.
On checking in, we were told that we would be stopping at Bangor to refuel which would add more time to our journey.
We took off over an hour late and once again the plane had seen better days.
On arrival at Gatwick, there was a problem with removing the luggage from the plane, which meant over an hour stood at the baggage reclaim. This again ruined the connection schedule of 2 of our party.
Over all, I am thoroughly dissapointed with the service we recieved from TCD. It seemed to me that once they had your money, they gave up caring about you.
If you want a cheap holiday and are prepared to risk flying on an old plane, bought cheaply off a more prominent carrier, then TCD are for you.
If you want a quality holiday, where your accomadation is as advertised in the brochure and the staff are available to help and do as they say, steer clear of TCD.
i guess this is the flipside of how wonderful the internet and low-cost travel has become now. ultimately, you buys your ticket and you takes your chances, the odds are you get what you pay for. usually, saving a couple of quid here or there means you get corners cut on service or amenities somewhere. operators can't offer superbly budget or low-cost travel without some knock-on effect on service.
Although you are right in saying you get what you pay for as in if you fly with ryan air dont expect complimentary drinks and a meal or allocated seating but you do expect to get there with out to much hassle, compared to flying with ba or someone simiular and getting a better level of service (ok the dury is out on that one!)
You should expect to get what you are told is to be true. Abit like basic trading standared laws, a product should be fit for use a described!
I think im trying to say you should expect some sort of a standard otherwise we may as well all pay loads to fly club class, and book into the hilton everytime we go away
Just read your post and you have my deepest symphathy booking your villa from TCD. I use TCD for flights and car hire only and,touchwood, have not had any problems. I am a villa owner and rent my home out myself from the UK and it is very well looked after in Florida by an excellent management company. TCD contact 90% of the management companies in Florida to book homes for their clients BUT , they will only pay a small price for the homes whilst charging you up to £1000.00, depending on the season. Most of the homes used are advertised as "Superior" or "Executive", this means the price can be raised. These homes are no better than a standard home. The actual owners of these homes really couldnt care less about the home as long as they can say "they have a villa in Florida" and can go every year for their holidays. I go twice a year and am always upgrading my home. This year (NOV) it is being painted inside and out and having a whole new master bedroom suite. I have had the villa for 2 years and have had clients re-book for the next year even before they have finished the holiday they are having. I always call my guests to check all is ok for them and have never received any complaints or critisism. The pool heating issue is another rip off ! TCD will charge a lot for pool heating, I have my pool heat on for all my guests as standard because it doesnt cost much to run but they will tell you different! Sorry about this epic but people should always book villas privately as they will then know exactly where they will be staying,see pictures of the home, go straight to the home with easy directions and get the key from a lock box on the front door frame. The villas also come a lot cheaper than booking with the likes of TCD etc .
best wishes
Dave, Casterton743
TCD are a sister company of Excel, and their flights are also operated by XL.
As Far as I am aware , all of Travel City Direct flights are now operated by Air Atlanta Europe. Do they own Excel Airways as well? They now own TCD. I think its collectively known as The Avion Group ?
TCD, Air Atlanta and Excel Airways are all owned by Avion Group.
Air Atlanta have been around for a while; their speciality lies in renting their aircraft to other companies. Virgin used them on the Manchester to Orlando route from 2000 until May 2005. I suffered a return journey with them - not good.
I've posted on other complaint threads (Excel Airways) recently and I've started to check their departure and arrival performance into Manchester particularly from Sanford. It's appalling. Just check out the 5A flight prefix arr/dep's using Manchester Airports real-time flight search facility. I've heard Cardiff and Newcastle flight reliability is no better.
I will check the real time arr/deps. I have travelled with TCD/Air Atlanta 4/5 times now and have only had 1 delay of 4 hrs departing from Manchester in June of this year so as I said ,I must have been one of the lucky ones,touch wood !. I fly again in November so I'll keep my fingers crossed. Ive never used Excel, even for trips to Europe so I cant really comment on their performance but ,as they are owned by the same group as AAE, its probably the same.
best wishes
I felt I had to let everyone who is travelling with Travel City Direct that the flights to and from Sanford from Manchester are showing signs of a vast improvement in dep/arr times.
5A 133 was 25 mins early today and the Air Alanta 445 is only an hour or so late. No Major delays for a couple of weeks so is this a sign of the future times? I hope so, 5 weeks and 6 days to go !!
best wishes

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