Hiya. I certainly do. My mum and dad (Geoff & Doreen Wild) started drinking in there in 1982 and quickly introduced me to the place. My parents moved out to live in Torremolinos in 1984 and used the bar on a frequent basis - probably 3 or 4 times a week I would imagine. Although my lovely mum died in 1992, my dad is still there but of course doesn't drink in El Capote anymore coz the bar isn't there anymore (not as we know it at least). Judy and Julien became really good pals with my parents and always made me feel more than welcome whenever I visited. El Capote was certainly an institution in itself - I can see me back in the late 80's sitting up the top half of the bar 'playing the decks'.... Anyone else have any fond memories of that great bar?
Many a good night had in the bar. Strange because it never had draft beer but the Judy and Julian were the attraction. All of Julian's stories and he was always helpful if you had problem and didn't know how to sort it out. We complete on a house purchase, in Montemar, on Wednesday and expect to be out there every 6-8 weeks. Shame that I have lost touch with Judy & Julian.
Yeh we have too. I'm sure they're still knocking around town somewhere. Probably just wanting to enjoy their well earned retirement. When did you start drinking there Phil?
I 1st drunk there about 14 years ago, right up until the bar was sold. Unfortunately, don't really like the bar as it is now.
No it is a bit of an aquired taste now. I don't mind it but I can understand why some people don't. I love Irish John who works behind the bar though - he is such a live wire and makes everyone feel really welcome. I took my dad down for a drink some time ago (I wouldn't be surprised if you knew my parents) and although John did his usual host thing, don't think my dad was too impressed (if you know what I mean).
Funniest thing happened last Friday (16th). Completed on a house purchase on 15th and went to the police station on 16th to apply for NIE numbers. As with everyone, we were there at 7.30 for it to open at 9.00 (only give out so many numbered tickets to control the mob) and who was there, 4 places behind us but Judy, so had a good chat with her. Says she misses the poeple but not the hastle.
Yeh bless her - she was pretty much there every day of the year (except Christmas Day if I remember rightly). Julien would stoll down when he felt like it but Judy was there day in day out to open up. We had some great times in there thanks to those guys but now I think they're having a well earned break. Are you actually going to live over there then?
We are looking for 6-7 trips a year and to move out in 3-4 years. All part of a bigger plan but, Yes we will move out in time.
Well my parents moved out in October 1984 (sadly my mum died in 1992) but my dad is still there and he hasn't left Spain since Christmas 1990 - the last time he came back to the UK. Guess the Spanish must be doing summat right.....
Certainly enough to make us want to move.

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