Hi Guys
I have been given a SKY box and I was wondering if I was to take it to Turkey and get a Satellite dish could I get it to work?
I have seen some posts where-by you need a large 3m dish, but will the people install it?
Geoff and Olya
Olya you may need a big dish and then you may need to get permission if you are on a complex, but if you have several of your neighbours that want it you may be able to split the cost best to ask round on that. If you have permission etc I advise getting the best quality low noise LNB and cabling you can as this will do a lot to improve reception and therefore keep the size of the dish down(which is expensive), best way is to find a local company that is prepared to bring out 3 dishes say 2m, 2.5m and 3m and test which one will work for you. As for the box and card things not sure how it works out here but I believe the only way to do it is via a registered address in UK wether its strictly legal to do this I dont know.
The make and model of your digibox is of extreme importance as some of them need MUCH bigger dishes to get them to work abroad. If you post your make and model I can advise on suitability.
The sky card needs to be activated in the UK. DON'T tell sky you intend to use it abroad, as they will tell you you aren't allowed to take it out of your house-never mind the country.Once activated, and subject to appropriate equipment you will be able to view in Turkey
HI Olya.Yes I agree with the last message.The card has to be registered at UK address.And do not say you are taking it out of country !
If you do decide to go ahead with the satallite option, it would be most interesting to hear how you get on.
When are you visiting Gumusluk next? We've only been back 3 weeks and missing it already!
old one out with you. That way if there are any problems with the new system, it will still be covered by a warranty.
probably stating the obvious, BUT if you are getting a second sky box/card take theThe sky card needs to be activated in the UK
You can activate it from abroad - just ring from a UK mobile. Activation does not come down the phone line.
However if you are a new subscriber you will be contracted to keep your Sky box plugged into the phone line. this may be a problem as you wont have a UK number. there are "things" that can get around this.
a 3m dish means you can pick up all the channels...eg bbc1,2 and itv 1,2... you can get a lot of channels with a 1.5 m dish eg sky sports,news etc.dont tell them you are in turkey as it is illegal for sky to broadcast here. Like the authorities take a lot of notice hahaha.... most local tv installers can fix it for you
When the new satellite goes up next year you wont need a dish that size or so I have been told.
Thanks for all the replies so far.
I have heard about taking a card with us, but I also believe that there are a lot of free channels without the card eg BBC and SKY News. Basically it is just to keep us amused, and if we have guests or anything like that.
Hi Gummus
I wondered if you could tell me what kind of dish I would need for a Panasonic Sky Digibox?
Many thanks ...

Hello Brodev
Just an update on the Sky box.
We took it with us and plugged it in, tuned it into the tv and it came up with the right things that we get here in England.
The difficult thing is trying to get a dish for it. Each shop we went into we had difficulty in explaining that we had the box and just wanted a dish.
I think we just need to improve our Turkish some more!!!

Find someone that understands our English!!

Hopefully next year when we return, and we cant wait, only been back two days and miss it already

Anyway we're making excuses about the phone socket being damaged etc, but wonder how long it will be before they are questioning us again. Any words of wisdom on this one would be good.
Get a sky dialer...

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