Depending on how fast you drive, would say 1 3/4 - 2 hours.
thanks. does anyone have any information about parking in murcia airport when you are picking someone up off a flight as my hubby will be picking up grandparents whilst we are there. he speaks/reads no spanish and is wonderig how hard it will be to drive and park and wait for them to come through arrivals. any advice greatfully received. this is the first time we have ever done a d.i.y holiday before and done all this driving.
if you look in the flights and airports forum you will find a thread with a website for San Javier (murcia) airport click link below
please ask further question on flights/airports on that forum
sorry about that, was wondering if almeria/murcia experts mights reply on the almeria forum rather then the flight forum, thats why i posted here.going to check out the link and also have received your maio regarding directions, thanks wizard
The Christmas before last I had to park in a very muddy field. Last year it was clean gravel. On both occasions it was free
I believe they have been doing further improvements to the carpark and there may now be a charge, though this is is unlikely to be a significant amount of money.
I would agree with the previous poster that it should take about 2 hours but could no doubt be done in less.
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