I have a property in Bodrum which is approx 8 years old. Have received a couple of quotes for renovation, but I am concerned about the damp. Seems there was no damp course when built - what is the next big thing if a damp course cannot be carried out? Don't really want to disguise it every 12 months (the damp)- would rather spend the money whilst the propery is being renovated.
Thank you .
just goes to show...property built before 2001 didnt have the same building regulations are are now in effect..you will have to get some quotes from local builders..same as you would anywhere else. Good luck.
Pomella if you explain a bit further you may get some advice from members in the building trade who can help you. İs the property on flat land or is it built in to the side of a hill (where one wall of the bottom floor is below natural ground level).
Hi Pomella. we also bought a property in Bodrum in the last year and had damp in the basement level. It is a triplex with the bottom floor below ground level at the back. We had work done. They dug a drainage channel all the way around the house and also put in pipes to take away the water. It wasn't terribly expensive to do but I can't tell you how succesful it is until next spring! However they did run a hose on the area and the water certainly flowed away. Hope you get your problem sorted. Cheers Pipermam
Thanks for the replies - yes the property is built on a hill, and very close to the sea, so I am anticipating a lot of damp!! Pipermam you said you had a trench built around the property for drainage, could you please give me an idea how much it cost. Thanks.
Pipermam, sorry I said trench (must be thinking of the war!!) instead of drainage channel. Thanks.
Pomella the drainage channel will work İF the property is well above the water table and the water has somewhere to go but if not the water will run İNTO the channel and double your problems.
Depends on the location and type of dampness. If its at a low
level on the ground floor, a chemical damp course should
solve the problem, I am not familiar with Turkish building
methods but its normally done by drilling and injecting it into
the walls affected.
Pm me if another type of damp or if you need more info.

Thanks for all the information, won't know how bad the damp is until I get over and see the property again.......

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