Hello Malta people, has anybody ever noticed that tour companys offer a holiday for 18/30s and Saga offer ones for the over 50s, but there is no real choice for the (just got the kids of your hands) sort of age I know I may fall into the Saga group but feel I am not ready to go on this sort of holiday just yet.
I am talking about the 40 to say 60 year olds who want to perhaps have a bit of fun before they are given a walking stick and bus pass does anybody think there could be a market there for this age group?
Ciao Dave, I personally think it irrellavent what the tour operators offer, best thing to do is sort your own flights and accomodation and travel this way to Malta, it's generally cheaper and much more rewarding, anyway I'm off for a bucket of water, 2 sugar lumps and a carrot, got to take a karrozini full of fat sweaty americans from Pinto Wharf up to Xemxija.
British Airways (GB) have currently got some very nice priced flights to Malta for anyone who wishes to book their own holiday. I've just booked four flights with them for between £99.00 and £112.00 p.p
Hi Mark & Nicky, we have booked for June & September next year with BA and also got some pretty good deals on flights.
Hello Sliema2,
Hi Mark and Nicky, we are and yes we could well be.
Hello happychef, that is my point I surpose the nearest thing to a holiday with no kids and not many zimmers would be a Thomson Gold holiday hotel. Hi Sliema2, I do like to do my own thing when it comes to holidays but the tour firms do make it a bit easier and take a bit of the hassle out of the getting there, although I still like to do all my own trips and outings useing local transport or car hire where possible, and by the way my the element went out, in my new job as the blue light on the harbour wall so they dismissed me and sent me to work in the stone quarry for five years hard labour after that I am to deported to Cominotto and await my fate, they also tell me that if I am good they will not put me down the Oubliette.
hi there real holidaymaker i have looked at organising my own holiday but i find malta direct very reasonable and they do make it so easy by the way i'm staying at the hotel roma at christmas does anyone know anything about this hotel as i can't find any rreviews on it
If you click on accommodation at the top and then on the one with Sliema on it you should find the Roma and then click on its web page.
If you click on the top panel and then go down to Malta you wil see Malta sliema click this and it is right at the bottom of the page.
Hope this helps.
Hi crazychef & dave, we popped in to The Hotel Roma earlier this year to check it out as a possible place to stay for one of our diy holidays, the rooms seemed ok fairly basic but clean with all you would need including tv, the position of the hotel is quite good aswell it is set at a slight angle off Triq-it-Torri (Tower Road0 a few hundred metres away from The Preluna very close to Ghard-id-dud and overlooking Qui-si-Sana, I would imagine that if you had a sea view room then the views would be quite good looking over Tigne towards the Fort St Elmo area of Valletta, hope this helps.
thanks for all the info the web sites were good now i can't wait for christmas looking forward to some fun, i havn't been to malta for 18 months now i'm getting homesick
I've added this hotel to our reviews site.
hi there i'v just been informed that the hotel roma is closing down on the 14th december and i'v been sent to the sliema chalet hotel urrgh
Ciao Alan is it closing down for winter or for good ?, also why say urggh about the Sliema Chalet why what's up with it ?
hello sliema2 i have no personal experiance of it but the reviews are all bad well i will take them with a pinch of salt it will only be my base as i will be out all day and evening having fun will let you know how it was
Bad news about the Roma, they are shutting as a hotel end of November, they will re:open next year as specialist accomodation for foreign language students, oh well at least if they are all crammed in to there then they won't be annoying genuine holiday makers with there often irritating pranks and disgusting habits.

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